Monday, December 24, 2012

Moving baby!

I have an active little baby today! I think the baby knows that Christmas is here, because mommy is excited and wrapping gifts and delighting in festivities like movies, goodies and general good times. :)

Earlier when I was at my mom's, the baby wasn't moving a lot, but it was uncomfortable for me. I kept shifting when I was sitting, and when I was standing, the baby felt like it was doing somersaults! I'm not sure if that was truly what was going on, but it was movement. :) Now, the baby is super active, and won't lay still!

All 3 of my nephews told me several times today, "Auntie, you are having a boy! Not a girl! Girls are icky!" Lol. Mom and I would ask them why they don't want a girl, and this was the cutest answer (from Brenden, go figure): "Well, betause. Her can't haf a girl, Nana. If her's hafin' a boy, then there's 4 boys!" As if we should know! So cute. I know they'll be excited either way, though.

So many people have guessed, and the votes don't necessarily fall on party lines!

We are not revealing the sex of the baby until tomorrow, so make sure you stay tuned! The blog probably won't be posted until about 8pm, or whenever we get home and can load the pictures onto the computer.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas Eve!!!

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