Sunday, December 2, 2012

December Goals and November Update

I'm actually proud of myself for the first time in months regarding my goals! Being pregnant is not easy on my body at all. Some people absolutely love being pregnant, and I'm still not sure. While I'm totally excited for the little sweetheart to arrive in May, I'm just not liking the effects the pregnancy has had on my body so far. So all the tiring effects of pregnancy have really taken a toll on my body.

Needless to say, I actually accomplished a lot, and even an extra goal this past month!

  • 2 new fudges in my Etsy Shop  - we got one, but the other one is still in progress! 
  • Baby bump pictures for the blog (probably not bare belly, but we'll see)
  • Read 1 chapter from Proverbs & 5 chapters from Psalms daily - fail. Falling asleep reading every night is something I need to get used to!
  • Finish the rest of the Christmas gifts - not even close. But I got 7 done!
  • Pick up, vacuum and dust our bedroom (sad that I used to do this all the time, and my goal is to do it once this month) - It was picked up...for a day. Robert had to help me with it this weekend.
  • Try to drink 8 more ounces of water every day - Yep! I'm up to about 50ish now!
  • Pray for the burden of the hurtful comments to be lifted (really, this is about me giving it up to God) - I say this is success, because the comments actually stopped, and the few that continued to come my way ended in me quietly backing out of the conversation - and being at peace with it!
  • Spend a little bit of time every day on Pinterest (I find this relaxes me and I am always happy after I do it! It even helps me accomplish some of my goals!) I just don't want to spend hours upon hours on it - Success! I have fun with it. : )
  • Girls day with my BFF (Scheduled! I can't wait!) - due to a headcold and some other minor setbacks, we had to cancel. But we WILL do it!
  • Christmas pictures - Yep! Done last Saturday, on their way to the printer
  • Read all the library books I checked out (reading also relaxes me) - Fail! I'm about 1/3 done with two. Lol!
  • Help mom & Perry with Thanksgiving prep - Yep! We got done 3 hours early!
  • Christmas decorating done before Dec. 1st (Not sure when my energy will drop off from day to day, so this is more so we don't have the Christmas tubs laying around everywhere for weeks) - No, but we're about halfway there!  
  • Put more effort into selling stuff on eBay - Yep! I sold some stuff already!

So, not everything got done, but I did so much that I feel accomplished! My goals for next month (December) are as follows: 

  • Finish gifts before December 20th 
  • Wrap gifts before December 23rd  
  • Keep bedroom clean
  • Vacuum at least once per week
  • Organize coupons again (we're so behind)
  • Take a nap every day I'm able to
  • Work on registries for baby (we find out what we're having on December 20th)
  • Take at least one day for pampering in December (I would love to get a pedicure!)
  • Finish 3 library books
  • Make some Christmas cookies!
 That's it! I'm taking it easy in December, because it's back to H&R Block for me in January! I'm going to keep my same schedule as usual for as long as I can. So I'm going to need some down time this month. 

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