Monday, August 24, 2009

Bank scare - beware!


My friend, Brandy, received a suspicious email from her so-called bank. It instructed her to access their site through her email address, because a third party had access to her account. Her bf told her NOT to do that, and to call her bank.

She did just that - the email was NOT from her bank! DO NOT do anything but CALL your bank or financial institution to report this kind of incident! Brandy says she ALMOST fell for it, because the email looked so authentic.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Go to my new blog for Essential Charm - Discounts abound!

Yes, I have more items up! Please, visit the shop blog (link above) for more information! :) I'm so excited!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Essential Charm is up and running!

Hey everyone!

Check out my new shop, Essential Charm! My username is kimialex. Only one item up so far, but I'm working on it!

I started a blog for my shop. The first post was just put up! Follow the Essential Charm blog here: Shop here:

Please, let me know if you want me to create an item for you! :)
