Friday, December 28, 2012

Blessings & DIY Projects Started for Ellie Jo

Robert and I received a wonderful blessing the day after Christmas!

I'd been texting with my friend Michelle, and was telling her how excited we were about our baby girl, and that I'd registered for the same swing she had for her daughter (who is now 10 months old). She offered to give us theirs! I was blown away! I told her "thank you!" about 3 times, and promised to pick it up that afternoon. When I got there, she also had a bouncy seat, 2 huge bags of clothes and a brand new Baby Sac diaper bag! I couldn't do anything except hug both she and Zack (her fiance), and thank them over and over!

Here are some pictures of the blessings that Robert & I received from our friends, Zack & Michelle, on the day after Christmas!

Amazing and adorable baby swing!

Super cute bouncy seat!

Tons of clothes!

Fantastic new diaper bag!

I was so humbled by Zack & Michelle's generosity! We'll definitely have to do something super nice for them in return. :)

Because of our amazing blessings from our friends, I was able to spend a little of the money we'd set aside for those purchases. I chose to spend it on baby stuff that I would be making personally for Ellie Jo. Robert was so sweet to accompany me to Joann's, Target and Wal-Mart, and he even took me out to lunch at Red Robin to satisfy a pregnancy craving for chicken tortilla soup! What a sweet hubby!

Here is what I made last night:
3 travel diaper wipe cases! (I used this Pinterestidea for it)

1st case! You can see I did my trim differently
than the Pinterest idea. I only went around the top
half of my case.

2nd travel case!

3rd travel case!

4 custom burp cloths! I just used hand-me-down
receiving blankets and some cloth diapers :)
Burp cloth #1

Burp cloth #2

Burp cloth #3

Burp cloth #4

As I write, I was briefly (and pleasantly) interrupted by my friends, Ryan, Emily and their adorable daughter, Sophie! They came over and dropped off some infant toys, another diaper bag, and a black and red Baby Bjorn carrier! The blessings are just pouring in for us, and sweet Ellie Jo!

Huge thank you to Zack & Michelle, Ryan & Em for blessing us so abundantly with your generosity! And another thank you to my mom for volunteering to wash, iron and fold all of Ellie Jo's clothes and get them all ready for her. (We left them all up at her house so my mom could tackle that project).

We are so grateful for everything. :)

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