Monday, December 17, 2012

19 Weeks - and a DIY baby project casting call :)

Well, I've made it 19 weeks with baby! :)

19 weeks!
Sorry, we missed 18 weeks by one day. Technical difficulties last night while we were trying to do the pictures.

As a special to our blog readers, this is a picture of Robert,  while I was focusing the camera! 
 I got tired of him "focusing" the camera, and I tried to help. This is the pose I got from him. :)

This past week, I've felt baby moving a lot more. It doesn't hurt; it feels really weird. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that it's the baby, and not digestion or something! Lol. Just takes getting used to.

The baby is the most active at night, leading me to believe this may be the reason I've been so violently ill for the past 12 weeks! I have no idea about the validity of that statement, but I don't really care. :)

We had a doctor's appointment today, and I am still losing weight. :( I was so discouraged to hear it, even though it wasn't a lot. But the doctor tried to be funny, and said, "Well, I tell ya what: I'm going to tell you that you're measuring closer to 20 weeks instead of 19 weeks because I'm feeling giving, what with it being Christmas and all!" I said, "REALLY?!" He said, "No!" And then we all laughed. :) A nice way to break the ice, and he assured me that it's okay if I lose a little weight (nevermind the fact that it's about 30 lbs. now!) because the baby is still healthy and has a good, strong heartbeat. We'll have our big ultrasound this Thursday, and we'll know a lot more about baby after the results of that. For those of you who have asked if we're going to find out the sex of the baby, yes, we are. But we will be waiting until Christmas Day to reveal to the families the sex of the baby as a special Christmas gift. As soon as the families know, we'll make an announcement here on the blog.

In other news, I'm on a serious planning kick lately. Robert especially knows how concerned I've been about getting nursery furniture purchased and ready for the baby. For everyone else who doesn't know me quite as well, here are 4 must-know facts about me to understand:
  • I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - I like things in order, planned and in their proper place at all times. I can deal with it if it's not always perfect, but it's really tough sometimes! 
  • I am a perfectionist - meaning, for example, if I can't do something completely and fully (such as putting all laundry away at one time, uninterrupted by other tasks or duties), I won't even start it usually. It bothers me to leave things unfinished.
  • I like things written down - I really struggle when I don't have everything in my Google calendar. Everything from simple tasks to planned events. 
  • I have Attention Deficit Disorder - I tend to have "shiny object" problems, lol. Robert and Ashley joke about the night that I was cleaning our room and she was hanging out in here watching a show with us, and I decided to dust. Well, I couldn't just dust the headboard or the dresser, I had to dust the armoire, the TV stand, and the nightstands. But then it seemed that the door frames and mini-blinds were left out! So of course, those had to get cleaned, too. Then I saw the baseboards, and it was all over, lol!(In fact, you don't know this, but this blog took me several hours to compose due to a little distraction).
So, I've been using a lot of websites to help keep me on-task for when baby arrives! One of the to-dos coming up in the next few weeks on one of the sites I use says, "Start getting ideas for the nursery." Well, I've known what theme we're going to use since before we were even pregnant, lol! And we figured out the color for the furniture as soon as we found out that we were pregnant. The problem was that it is all so expensive. I registered for the furniture, but again - so expensive! The least expensive we've found (new) was about $150-$200. Even with coupons and sales. I started looking at Craigslist, but frankly, it scares me. I was at my Auntie's on Monday night, and she'd seen a post in one of her Snohomish County-area groups about a crib, changing table and dresser for sale. The mattress and pad were coming with the crib and changing table, and it was cherry brown. The dresser was a 4-drawer dresser. Robert and I went to look at it on Thursday, as the woman who was selling it had it listed for $300. I talked her down to $250, and upon closer inspection, we found that it had several imperfections and it definitely wasn't the color we wanted. But Robert deemed it safe and sturdy (and new!), and so we bought it for $250. The seller threw in a free bottle sterilizer (I didn't even know what that was, lol!), and Robert loaded it all up into the Trailblazer. No sooner did my door shut when I got in after him than he said, "I'm going to paint it for you." Win-win! And I give all the credit to my Auntie Karen for finding it for me! I can't decide if the best part of this deal was Robert volunteering to customize the furniture for baby & me, or the fact that the lady who sold us the set not only allowed me to pay via PayPal (way better than cash for me), and she threw in a bottle sterilizer. I think it's the fact that my hubby was totally awesome. :)

 Here is a picture of the changing table with the pad (and one of the boxes of baby clothes) on top. Please excuse the stuff on the left of it; we have not yet put away everything from the guest room to make it the nursery, so it's still the guest/ sewing room.
This is a picture of the dresser. Again, it's a little tight in the guest room with the guest room furniture (as the dresser is squished between the day bed and the bookshelf), but soon that will change!
 Sorry I don't have any pictures of the crib, but it's the same color, and it's not put together. It's in the garage for now, as I think that's the first thing that Robert plans on fixing up for me and baby.

Having the nursery furniture taken care of (and having a plan to customize it) is so great, because now I can focus on all those DIY projects I want to do for the baby! This is one of them:

It's a homemade wipes clutch! I can't wait to try it.

This is another one:

It's a homemade crib rail cover!

I'm on the hunt for more DIY baby stuff. I'm on Pinterest, so please, tag me in pins you've got! :)

You can also email me here. Or, post right in the comments section of my blog! I'd love to know about the DIY baby stuff you all have made or want to make, too! Please get in touch with me so I can figure out some more awesome things to make for our awesome baby!

Here are some outtakes from the 19-weeks pictures:

This is me, laughing at Robert yelling, "FOCUS, FOCUS!" like Kirk in season 4, episode 6 of Gilmore Girls.

Still laughing!

"I can't even look at you!"

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