Saturday, December 27, 2014

New Year's Letter 2015


I'm starting a new tradition this year! Instead of sending out a Christmas letter, we're going green and doing a New Year's Letter! I hope to continue this tradition each year, if I can. (Plus, I get to include way more pictures of our adventures this way!)

First and most importantly, we simply cannot send cards to everyone we know! We do love all of you, though, so I posted our annual Christmas card above for anyone who didn't get our card in the mail. :)

And now, I'll move on into a review of our year!

2014 brought many exciting new adventures, challenges, ambitions and fun!

Starting in January, we got to see good friends and family at Auntie Angie's Wedding!

Later in January, we got to host our house-warming party (we closed in September, did some home improvement projects, and moved in Thanksgiving weekend 2014). This party turned into a playoff party, and Youth Group meeting at our house! Wowza, it was a steady stream of people all day long!

Here's Janel at our house!

We were blessed to get to celebrate Auntie Janel's birthday with her this year, too! We actually pulled off a surprise party for her!

We had a sleepover with cousins at our new house!

Elizabeth got to go to the zoo with all of her cousins from Robert's mom's family for the first time later in January, too!

If you look carefully, you'll see Uncle Chane!

In February, Robert took me to the Toby Mac Concert! (Elizabeth did not go; it was too loud for her).

This is Brandon Heath & Mandisa at the concert!

I also got to purchase my {current} favorite CD in the world, "Blue Mountain," by Brandon Heath! It's AMAZING.

This was incidentally the first time I would see Ryan Stevenson in concert (quote from my blog post about that night: "Ryan Stevenson (I also didn't know)" Lol!), and I would have NEVER guessed that I would get to know him more as a friend later this year! (But more on that later).

On the very last day in February, I went to my very first hockey game! Robert's co-workers all went, and it was nice to get to catch up with them. We always have such a blast when everyone gets together, but it doesn't happen often! The Silvertips won, and it was a lot of fun!

In March, I got to have coffee with another one of my first "church mommies," Laurie! She was in town for a bit, and I even got to show her our new house! It's little moments like that one that really made our year a lot of fun! Also in March, we all went to the Everett Home & Garden Show spur-of-the-moment with my mom & Perry. Elizabeth got her first big "owie" in the middle of March (is this why the saying goes, "beware the ides of March"?) See below for her silly face, too!

One of the major highlights of 2014 was our trip to Las Vegas. My work sent me to the MGM Grand for a big conference. Because Ellie Jo was a lap infant, she traveled for free, and I was able to get Robert his tickets for less than I've ever seen them, so we made a family trip out of it, and we went together! 
Here's Robert and me in the Chihuly Garden
in the Bellagio! 
We also got to return to my favorite restaurant
in the entire world, Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill at
Caesar's Palace!

The most fun night of our entire trip was getting to be with Mike & Shannon for dinner at Caesar's Palace! We don't get to see Robert's cousins enough, since they are now located in Vegas, and they had yet to meet sweet Elizabeth! We were so glad to get to see them.

May was a major milestone month for us! Our precious baby turned 1 year old!

We celebrated with about 60 family & friends at our house, and had a fantastic time! I got Elizabeth the cutest little dress that looked more like a QuinceaƱera dress (appropriate, since her birthday is on Cinco de Mayo - and yes, I know the two have nothing to do with one another!), and her Great-Grandma Byers made her a gorgeous matching cake! I should add that Grandpa & Grandma returned home from their traveling 1 day earlier than Elizabeth's party specifically to attend the party!

June was a busy month for us all, with my Titus 2 group starting up and parades for work. The Titus 2 Bible Study is for junior high and high school girls, and we met every other week during the summer. We brought in many guest speakers, including some of our Awana leaders in Trek and our Pastor's wife, my friend, Stephanie. Our biggest group was 21 young ladies here at my house! Here's a picture of Elizabeth and Robert at the Strawberry Festival parade:

I had a (minor) health scare in late June. I had been experiencing some upper back pain for a week or so, and it wasn't going away. I told Robert, and he rubbed my shoulders and back every night for a week. After another week (and continuing with running and softball), I was really in a lot of pain. It reached a peak on a softball night when I realized I wasn't able to take a deep breath. We made an emergency trip to my WONDERFUL physical therapist late at night, and he was able to quickly assess what was going on. He ended up digging a couple of my ribs (which were out of place) out of the main pain point in my back and fixed me up. He made a point to tell me that I need to call him MUCH sooner when I feel pain like that. Oops. I learned! Thankfully, I was able to stay on top of small doses of Ibuprofin and rest for a few days. 

Robert and I both had July 3rd off, and we decided to go to the MOHAI to celebrate his birthday, since he missed our trip last year! Additionally, it was FREE admission (always free on the 1st Thursday of the month!) Our good friend, Bambi, tagged along with the Crombie kids for some super fun times at the museum!

In August, we had a HUGE family reunion for my mom's family! On the same day, our friends Jessica and Melvin got married! This meant that I was able to facilitate a reunion of long-time friends, Jeff (our good friend and Awana leader), and my cousin, Brensen! It was so neat to see them together, because they were friends growing up, and now that Jeff lives here, they don't really get to see each other very often.

Jeff (left) and Brensen (right) 

Also in August, I got to meet Cisco Morris, as he was at a conference at my work! (I served on the Planning Committee).

We went to the Evergreen State Fair! We got to see Auntie Ashley ride Braunze, and then Robert and Elizabeth got to ride him back to his stall after he was done competing! 


This year, I entered Blueberry Jam, Applesauce, 3 pictures and this restored 1940s child's lawn chair! I won a lot of awards, and it was super neat to see everything I worked so hard for out on display! 

One sad moment this summer was losing Uncle Bill. We miss him every day. 

I decided to run my first 5k this August, and I even had a special memorial shirt made to wear during my race!
Here's my shirt! "See ya in the funnies!"

Here's me after my race! 

It was fun to run this race, and get covered in dye! My mother-in-law, Leah, even volunteered and covered me in color at one of the stops! I'd love to run more 5k races in 2015!

September was hands-down our favorite month of the year! We got to return to Maui after 4 (long!) years! I know, I know - some people don't get to go. And that's why we consider it such a blessing that we were able to go! 

 We were ALL over this island, doing everything from Haleakala at sunrise to Lahaina (twice), the Road to Hana, the Ocean Center, tons of beaches  and swimming, and much, much more! 

It was SO special to get to spend my birthday, Robert's Dad's birthday and Auntie Sloane & Uncle Brian's anniversary - all on the same day - in Maui! I couldn't imagine a better vacation! 

In October, our church celebrated the Grand Opening of our newly remodeled Annex building, now called the Ministry Action Center (MAC). To celebrate, I was able to bring in Christian to speak and Ryan Stevenson (as mentioned above!), thanks to Christian's help! 

Here's Ryan and me in the green room! 

The celebration was a lot of fun, and it was awesome to get to put on my "Event Coordinator" hat again! (I'll be doing this more and more, booking recording artists and bands every month for The Well!)

October also saw tragedy, with the MPHS shooting shaking up our city. My mom and I attended a pep-rally for alumni at MPHS to welcome the kids back to school the following week, and it was very surreal to be back there under such circumstances. 

We had a fun Halloween! Elizabeth was a lady bug, and Robert and I went "simple" this year, with Phil & Kay costumes!  

In November, we said goodbye to Robert's Great Grandma Byers. We are grateful for the time we had with her, and that Elizabeth got to meet her great-great grandma! 

5 generation picture from 2013

 We got to have Robert's cousins Josiah and Lydia visit in November and December! It was a lot of fun to have everyone over for a Seahawks game, pizza, and of course - girl time decorating! 

Emma, me, Abby and Lydia!

 Throughout the year, Robert and I both continue to work (Robert at the bank, and me at EvCC and H&R Block during tax season), run our business, and volunteer at church. I'm having fun sewing, crafting and attending MOPS! Elizabeth is still enjoying KinderMusik and MOPS with mommy, and Robert is still crazy about sports. 

We've had an incredible year! Thank you ALL for being a part of it! It seems crazy to think that it took me the better part of 6 hours to compose this blog, and I'm amazed at everything we all did!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

DIY Fabric Rack {Repurposed DVD rack}

After we moved into our new house, one of my BFFs made us an amazing built-in entertainment center.

It started as a pipedream of mine, when I saw this totally wasted space in the family room of our new-to-us house that we bought last year. See before pics below:

Looking all the way across the great room from
the kitchen to the yucky, unused double closets.

Close-up shot that shows the fireplace on the
far right - that's where the TV was mounted
with the prior owners. It made for a tight, cramped

Good thing you can't smell through the computer.
These doors were soaked in years of nicotine,
smoke, and musty grossness!
Needless to say, it had to go.

This is what we ended up with:

Amazing, isn't it?! HUGE THANKS to Paul!
So it made our old DVD racks completely obsolete. (This was a good thing).

The first one got repurposed into a diaper changing rack:

Doesn't match her furniture, but it
works great!
The other one has been sitting in our garage, unused and without any purpose since we moved in over a year ago.

For ZERO dollars, I was able to take it from this:

Rickety, old DVD rack
 To this:
Fabric stash now organized!

View from the back (you can't
see all the fabric from the front)

View from the top down

It's awesome! Hubby rolled his eyes and laughed, but was glad I was able to repurpose yet another item doomed for the dump! Originally, I was going to use it for ribbon, but I'd get much more use out of it this way!

YAY for FREE DIY projects that serve an awesome purpose!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Maui Vacation 2014 Day 4

Our 4th day in paradise was spent in a car.

For nearly 15 hours. I cannot make this up.

But don't worry, it was all for a good cause - we all temporarily lost our sanity and decided to wake up at 3am, drive to the top of Haleakala to watch the sunrise and do the Road to Hana in one day.

Yep, that really happened. With a 16-month-old. Oh, and Dramamine for me. I don't think anyone I was with realized how truly violently ill I was the last time I did the Road to Hana and swore I'd never have to do it again, 11 years ago. I did get a t-shirt that says "I Survived the Road to Hana - but my car didn't!" last time, and quite frankly, I was holding out hope that I'd get a new one after this trip.

Now, here's my only caveat on this day trip: I felt funny all day, due to being sleep-deprived and having Dramamine in me, I had little patience, and I was grateful for one thing all day - that we didn't choose to do this the day before, on my birthday!

Without further ado, I'm going to post the pictures of Haleakala below. The trip up took a long time (not sure how long, probably an hour and a half or so), and it was dark all the way. (Remember, we all got up at 3am to make this trip!) So there are no pictures of the trip up the mountain.

I'm not going to caption a lot of these pictures, because they truly speak for themselves. But nothing - nothing - compares to experiencing this yourself.

As the clouds rolled in, enveloping the mountain, I was watching them - silky, soft, free - and it reminded me of my heavenly Kona coffee when it mixes with delicious Vanilla coffee creamer, and how the creamer swirls and blends in gently......

....but I digress..... 



I'll start captioning a bit now.... 
Here's Bryce, heading back towards the van where
I am standing.

This reminded me of something you might see
from an airplane.

Haleakala crater! Supposedly, the entire state of
Connecticut would fit in the crater!

Rise and shine! The sun is UP!

The other side

I don't actually have any pictures of the hundreds
of cars lined up along this narrow road going all
the way to the top of the mountain!

Here's me at 10,023 feet! It's lucky that I'm even
looking at the camera, let alone smiling. It was
so cold up there! My hair was still wet from
my shower the night before, and it felt frozen!

Breathtaking views. Seriously!
The clouds looked so small from here!

Look at all that space!
Clouds rolling in
Looking back up from where we came from
The bay!

Heading down the mountain. The clouds
were surrounding us!

 So after we experienced a once-in-a-lifetime view, we went to the Kula Lodge & Restaurant (Kula Maui).

Here's me, ready to get out!

Panoramic view from our seats!

We had to wait about 25 minutes for a table big enough
to seat us all!

Right outside

Little gondolas, stationary.

 I'm so glad I took some pictures with my iPhone when we were there! Honestly, when I think back on this trip, I think often of the Kula Lodge. I don't really know why, but it was so comforting!

I miss seeing these exotic flowers!

View from my iPhone
There was an art gallery downstairs, but
cameras were not allowed. These flowers
are right outside the gallery! Yes, that's
a cobblestone pathway!
Here's a picture of the front!
No filter!
This was a lot of the view on the way to Hana:
Mountainside and water.

We embarked on the Road to Hana!

One of the first stops!
You can see T2, Alisha & Ashley waaay out there,
if you look carefully! There is no filter on this

So beautiful!

Desert land! Or so it looked like, lol!
Loved this - water, land, clouds.

Auntie Sloane on the mountain. (See the Jeep
way up there?)

All of these pictures were soooo pretty!
I rarely used filters!

Horses on the Road to Hana!

Another stop on the Road to Hana. Again - no filters! It was breath-taking!

There's the girls!

Hands up on the rocks!

This was a lot steeper than it looks...

After a few stops on the Road to Hana, we finally arrived at the Seven Sacred Pools. This is a park, and we got to get out and stretch our legs (again, it was like hour number 7 of traveling), and have a picnic lunch. The pools are a little hike down, but well-worth it!
Here's a pineapple tree on the way down!

The Pools!

Ellie Jo relaxing with Grandma
& Daddy on one of our hikes

When you enter and exit the hike for the Seven Sacred Pools, you pass by this cool little hut. I wish I could say I stopped to read the signs about it, but honestly - I felt horrible by this point of the trip. I really don't do well in cars for extended periods of time, because I get so sick. (And I was in the back of a minivan for this entire trip). Even the Dramamine wasn't helping. I just wanted to snap a picture and get out of there. Sorry readers - no history lesson this time!
After the Seven Sacred Pools, we were able to go to Black Sand Beach! My absolute FAVORITE part about the Road to Hana!

Some of the views at Black Sand Beach remind me of Mermaid Lagoon from Peter Pan!

This picture has a two-fold meaning: 1) In 2003,
when my dad bought me these DC sandals on a
trip to Richland, he declared, "If I'm going to spend
$75 on a pair of flip-flops, they better last you a
few years!" Good news, daddy - they've made it 11
years, 3 trips to Hawaii, 2 trips to Vegas, and even
more. :) 2) The black sand got stuck on my toes. Hehe!

Everyone who was swimming must have been hurting. Seriously. You don't go to Black Sand Beach to swim! The waves crash SO HARD in that little cove!
The hubs was a good sport about my picture-taking! (And you can tell by my face - I was definitely not feeling good!)

Views by the blowhole - although it was not active when we were there.

These are some iPhone pics...

Ugli-fruit?? We never figured it out!

Gigantic spider. No kidding, this
guy was bigger than my hand! We
saw him from the CAR!

Strange animals on Maui!

By the time we got in the van, Ellie was pretty much done. With everyone. And everything. We all pulled out all the stops on the way down the mountain to keep her occupied - Uncle Bryce did his best with his tablet and cartoons, Robert kept feeding her, I kept singing to her, and Grandpa tried super hard to drive us home as safely and quickly as he could.

Bottom line here, folks: 16-month-olds do not last 15 hours in the car. Ours made it to about 13.5 before she really lost it. Gotta hand it to her; I wanted to scream and cry like she was. While I highly recommend seeing all the sights we saw, and the experiences we got to be a part of, I also recommend doing these two excursions on separate days! :)

More to follow....