Thursday, July 26, 2012

Break from blogging

It was not intended! Honest!

Anyway, we've been super busy the last couple of weeks, especially with softball. I haven't had a lot of time to blog, and I haven't really tried to carve out any.

So, I'm back now, but all I really have to update is that my goals have been somewhat abandoned this month. I didn't think we'd be as busy as we were, and it really took over my life. I'm not feeling good about my goals, so today I'm taking some time to get back at it.

I hope everyone else's goals are going a whole lot better than mine! :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Super fantastic deal on Ball Home Canning supplies!

This was such a fantastic deal, I just had to post it!

Today, while I was at Fred Meyer, I saw these Ball Home Canning Discovery Kits in the clearance racks for $7.29. They were originally $12.19.

Well, I saw the $7.29, and that the kit contained jars (and possibly lids; I did not check). I knew I had a $3 off Ball Jars & Lids coupon, and wasn't sure it would work on this product, but I thought I would try anyway.

When I got up to the checkout line, I put this item up first. The checker scanned it, and pulled a $2.00 coupon off of it, and scanned that at the end.

Then I gave her my coupons, and the $3 Ball coupon was included.

Guess what? IT WORKED! I think now that I went back and looked at the same coupon online, it is good on any product that contains Ball jars and/ or lids, so that's why it worked on the kit.

So, the price breakdown was as follows:

Original retail: $12.19 (which is higher than the typical $11.99 I have found elsewhere)
+ Clearance price: $7.29
+ $2 off product coupon: $5.29
+ $3 off Ball jars & lids coupon: $2.29
Savings: 82% or $10.70!!

Amazing! I'm so excited! :) 

Friday, July 6, 2012

New Pillow Covers!

One of my favorite things to do is to sew! I love to sew new things for our home and for us to enjoy, and I also love to sew new products for my etsy shop!

Well last week, I was able to finally get up to Joann's Fabric & Crafts and pick up some supplies for my sewing projects - both for our home and for my shop!

I used some fantastic coupons and got great discounts and sales, and I'm super happy with what I got for the little bit of money I spent! (The money I spent on supplies for my shop came out of my own business account; as a rule, I try very hard not to spend family money on my business).

When I got them for $4-6 each at Kohl's a couple of years ago, I never expected the pillows to last very long. But lesson learned: Don't put them in the dryer with any heat. Too much nylon fabric won't hurt the dryer, but the dryer sure did hurt the nylon fabric!

Instead of wasting money on more new pillows when the actual pillow forms are still in excellent shape, I decided to be proactive about this little problem.

I got the fabric I've been waiting to get for 6 months to re-cover our tattered throw pillows in the family room. The reason I waited so long to purchase it was because it was so expensive! (I had a 40% off any one regularly-priced item coupon when I finally purchased it).

My 4-yards of simple, country-style fabric look amazing in our family room!

Love Seat by the back door
Close-up of one of the pillows

Note the right side is open

Flap showing

Flap tucked in

Side shot of both couches with new pillow covers

As you can see, these are not completely "finished" yet. I'm planning on putting buttons on each pillow (probably 3-4 across each flap), but I have yet to find the ones I want to purchase.

When I do purchase the buttons, you can see where they'll go on each pillow: across the bottom of each flap.

I purposefully made the flap asymmetrical (i.e., not coming down to the middle of the pillow exactly, or stopping at the top), for aesthetic purposes. I love how they turned out! (but for now, the flaps will just stay tucked under until the buttons are purchased and ready to be sewn on).

Here you can see what the pillows look like with the flaps tucked in. But looking at them from a distance, you can't really tell that I'm not done yet! :)

I can't wait until Robert comes home so I can show him what I made for us today! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

He Made/ She Made

It's no secret that Robert and I are foodies. We enjoy researching, planning for and creating a delicious meal to enjoy.

This year, I have had a strong conviction to plant, maintain and harvest from a little garden of my own. Last year I struck out with it, because I didn't have the time to devote to it. But this time around it's been fabulous!

I've planted and harvested quite a bit (and I still have some more to plant and harvest). It's been an exciting, fun, frustrating, and tasty journey so far! (To see my garden when I first started it this year, see my blog post here).

Tonight, I decided to spend about 15 minutes cutting back, harvesting and checking to see what needed re-planting (arugula and basil as well as chives were a complete bust for me first time around this year). I was also scanning the area to see where I could plant my two additional tomato plants and 3 pepper plants. (Our garden is in pots and planter boxes on my back patio, in case you didn't know. So space is limited!)

Well, I saw the Chocolate Mint herb that I planted a few months ago growing like crazy, and super healthy. I also noticed that the Lemon Balm I got for free from work was coming back! (I thought it was going to be epic failure, first because they were two transplants and now because they totally dried up and started dying off because of all the cold weather and rain + a lack of sun). So, I harvested about 30 Chocolate Mint Leaves and about 10 Lemon Balm leaves.

In the Food Network Magazine, there is a section called, "He Made, She Made" which is a face-off a male and a female Food Network Star. They have to use the same one main ingredient, and can prepare it however they wish.

We took our own spin to it, so.....

Old picture! :)
 Kimi Crombie: Specialty - baking

She made: Chocolate Mint Dessert sauce
1/2 c. cocoa powder
3/4 c. cold water
3/4 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
30 chocolate mint herb leaves, washed and torn into various sizes of pieces

In a small saucepan, whisk cold water (not lukewarm), and cocoa powder until the texture is smooth and there are no lumps.
Next, add the torn mint leaves (you can do tiny shreds or big pieces, but I recommend a combination of both to let the flavors settle in at different points during the cooking process), and sugar. Heat until boiling over low-medium heat (adjust depending on your range).
Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly to melt the sugar. As soon as the syrup is boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 3 to 7 minutes, until it begins to thicken and turn glossy. (Mine took about 6 minutes, see picture below). Add vanilla about halfway through the cooking process.
Remove from heat, and allow to cool until the syrup is room-temperature. Using a mesh colander or strainer, gently pour the syrup through and use a clean jar to catch the reduced syrup. (It's important to use mesh not plastic so the leaves don't go through into your syrup). Store in the refrigerator in a sealed jar. Makes about 1 1/4 c. Enjoy over ice cream, cake, or as a flavoring for coffee or milk.

 Robert Crombie: Specialty - weeknight cooking

He made:

Lemon balm butter rub for chicken


1 Chicken breast
6 fresh lemon balm leaves, chopped
1/4 c. softened butter
salt & pepper to taste

The reviews are in: It's a tie! Robert wins the dinner portion, and Kimi wins the dessert portion! :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Little Free Libraries

Have any of you ever heard of a "Little Free Library?" It's a phenomenal idea!

You can look up the history, mission and location of any registered Little Free Library here.

I had known this one was on the corner of 15th and Lombard in Everett for a few months before I actually stopped to check it out. It's basically a "take a book, leave a book" idea.

Though I didn't have one to leave, I brought one home, and will be bringing a few back to it as well.

I thought the idea for the Little Free Libraries was awesome!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July Goals and June Update

I'm only slightly discouraged that I am writing this post.

Realistically, I need to be printing off these posts to keep me accountable every month. I previously had an accountability buddy with my daily, weekly and monthly goals. But I think she really didn't have a need for it anymore, so we kind of stopped. No biggie; I figured posting on my blog would keep me accountable.

Most months, that's been true.

This past month (June) is an exception.

I am not making excuses or defending myself here, but we did have a very busy month. It seemed to me like we were only ever home to eat and sleep, with a few hours here and there to ourselves each week - if we were lucky.

That being said, I feel brave enough to tell you that I hardly accomplished any of my goals from last month. Here is the recap:

Meal-planning every week - fail. Mostly because my Sundays were too busy.
Post about meal-planning at least once - fail. Because the meal-planning itself did not occur.
Read one book - I actually read one and started another. :)
Organize shelves in office - No.
Organize pantry/ cupboards in the kitchen - No. I really need Robert's help with that, and he's been working a lot lately, so we are on different schedules. :( I hope we can find time for it this next month.
Keep bedroom clean - Yep, once I got into a groove with picking up every day, it was easy!
Get dusting back on schedule - Did a lot better with this. Still not what I want it to be, but it's marked improvement!
Keep up with FlyLady - ha!
Sell 10 items on eBay - I sold one book on Amazon for my dad, and I think one item on eBay. So I say, not a success.
Read Proverbs & Psalms (1 and 5 per day, respectfully) - No. :( 

Anyway, I do have some surprisingly happy news! 

I cleaned out the laundry room! (Sorry about the poor quality pictures, and no "before" shots; I only had my iPhone, and I started out on a roll, and forgot to do a "before" shot!)

 I feel sooooo much better about how the cleaning products and laundry products are organized and arranged now! It's very functional! (Note the new baskets! I got them at Value Village for $13.01 for 3 of them, took the cloth inserts out, washed and dried them, and disinfected the baskets!)
 All the paper products are now in the laundry room on the weird shelf thing we have next to the dryer. :) It freed up a shelf in the garage pantry for food!
 From left to right on the top shelf above the washer: Mainstream laundry soap - pushed towards the back. (I only keep that on-hand because we had it already, and we may need it in a major laundry emergency, lol!) Homemade laundry soap, fabric softener and Shout! (The basket next to it all starts the cleaning products sorting). 

This was not a goal of mine, but was bugging me for a long time! I finally found the time to clean it top to bottom - vent and floor included!

Robert worked hard in the guest room and got that all picked up and organized again, so now all I really have left is the office. :) 

Here are my goals for July: 

Try to do some meal planning - no specific amount!
Finish my other book and start another
Organize office
Get at least 5 items per week listed on eBay 
Read 5 Psalms and 1 Proverb daily
Keep up with vacuuming AND dusting
Make an effort to OPEN FlyLady's emails and stick to them
No cleaning before company
1 hour to myself every single day
Make dinner with my hubby twice a week
Prepare for next day by 10:30pm the night before
Bedtime by 10:45 every night

What are your goals for the month? If you have a blog and post your goals, I'd love to have the link so I can check them out! 

Here's to goals! Let's get stuff done! :)