Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December Goals & November update

So, here are my goals from last month and the progress updates for each:

Keep up in Proverbs & Psalms reading with my friend - Same friend, same stuff. - Fail. 
Inventory pantry.- Success! Although, Robert technically did it, and he deserves all the credit!!
Make bed daily. - Epic fail. 
Get to bed 10 minutes earlier than usual. - Overall a great success. :) Missed a few days due to the holiday, though. 
Keep up with FlyLady. - Not. Even. Once. 
One organizational task per day; not five. - Zero would have been a better number to choose...
60 items in my shop by Dec. 10th. - Not yet complete.
Meal planning every Sunday. - Another epic failure. 
Don't clean before company. (Except Thursdays - Thursdays are laundry/ vacuuming days AND Ladies' Bible Study meets here). - Marked improvement, which I consider a success. 
Try to eat on schedule; not randomly. - This is nearly impossible with Hypoglycemia. 
Keep Information Area at church tidy and up-to-date (this is one of my newest jurisdictions outside the home).- Success! Although I sadly found the coupon drop box full of garbage and books a couple weeks ago, I fixed it and it hasn't happened again! 

Overall, I think the last month didn't go as badly as I anticipated when I sat down to blog tonight. 

We had several set-backs this past month, simply due to set-backs in life. Changes at work, changes with friends, and plenty of random curveballs otherwise. 

Generally speaking, I have been tired this month. Really, really, uncharacteristically tired. Some of it is probably stress, and a lot of it - I think - is that I'm lacking alone time. Whenever I get it, I'm too tired to do anything but sleep. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining! I'm just needing to try to fix that situation. 

My daily reading was an epic failure. But Shelley & I are going to give it another go, with more enthusiasm this month. 

My goals for December are as follows: 

Get all decorations up & finished by Sunday, Dec. 4th
All Christmas gift-making done by Dec. 20th (includes wrapping)
Make all wrapping paper & bows this year
Stay on track with my calendars, schedules and day planner
Keep sheets ironed on regular schedule
Do a better job of organizing the kitchen now that the pantry in the garage is done
Dust some baseboards (leaving this one open-ended)
Contribute more to the family income (since it's already happening)
Stop dwelling on negative comments, thoughts or actions
Get more into eBay selling again
Dust on a regular basis instead of when I feel like it
Keep up on vacuuming 
Try not to get bogged down with things that don't matter
Draw the picture I've been wanting to draw for years and finally get it done, framed and in the house
Stay current on our budget and savings plan (we've been achieving great goals, and have reaped excellent rewards so far!)
Seek wise counsel when I need it 
Find a way to encourage one person every day this month 
Be 5 minutes earlier to everything
Find a reason to remember what this season is really about every day
Work on what Auntie told me to :) 

That's a lot for the month. But I think if I truly am committed, I can do it. 

What are your goals this month? 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What are YOU grateful for?

This is just a random post.

I was blessed last week with winning an Xbox 360 with Kinnect from my work for doing the most sales during the month of October (yay me!) I was told that I succeeded in getting 2-3 weeks of work for our company during the slowest month of the year!

Very unlike me - and yet, like me all at once; I'll explain - tonight, we went to Costco and I got a new game for the Xbox. It was $5 off, which was somewhat frugally minded of me. (Hence my previous statement!)

Well, in addition to that, I was thinking about how much Robert and I have been blessed this past year: we made it through a really tough year, we got a second honeymoon to Hawaii nearly free, we went camping, we were given a new armoire and some cute canvas storage bins, we were provided for in times of need, I am making more money working part-time than I ever did full-time, and the list goes on and on.

I've been thinking of things daily that I'm thankful for. A local church has this on their readerboard this week: "What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"

So far, here is my list:

Nov. 1st: I'm thankful for my jobless existence from October 2010 to August 2011. It taught us a lot, and showed me that I really shouldn't be doing a job I don't like and am not valued at. It also showed me that we got by just fine with willingness to submit to the Lord and sacrifice!

Nov. 2nd: I'm thankful for the opportunities to fellowship with other women, if only over coffee for a few hours at a cozy coffee house.

Nov. 3rd: I'm thankful for the conviction of my heart to open my home in hospitality to others. Despite cruel words, mean statements and my worried thoughts about how my house and home are perceived to others, I still do it, and I'm happy to!

Nov. 4th: This one is a tough one. I was driving around for 2 hours after work, running errands, doing more hunting for vendors for my home business, etc. I caught myself having a terrible attitude, thinking things like, "I just want to go HOME! I'm hungry and tired, and I don't want to do this!" It was so bad. I stopped and prayed, thanking God that I had a nice SUV to run errands in, that I had to deposit my paycheck and stand in a long line at the credit union, that I was hungry, and that I had a husband who was waiting for me - because it reminded me that I'm blessed to have that SUV, I'm earning a good paycheck and contributing to my family's income, I had food to come home to, and a husband who loves me. ALL VERY IMPORTANT THINGS!

Nov. 5th: Today, I am very thankful for little luxuries like a game system. We didn't have this stuff growing up. I'm not used to it. I didn't even know how to turn it on when I first got it! We had a Super NES - 3 years after they came out. That was as close as it came to a nice gaming system. While I don't NEED it, God has blessed me with it for some reason! Maybe it's just a way for us to spend more time with our friends, or for us to allow the youth at church to come and play while we fellowship over food or a Bible Study - I don't know. We'll see what God has planned! I'm having fun with it in the meantime, especially with the Kinnect!

What are YOU grateful for? Please, comment below! Just hit "Post a comment."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November Goals

October goals recap:

Make itemized listing of pantry contents. This includes both refrigerators, the freezer, etc.  - Nope. It's still in process, because we've done some major shopping in the past few weeks.
Get garage organized, move items in the house that need to be moved in. - In process.
Keep up with the kiddos in Trek & Journey material. Epic fail.
Have first 7 Bible Quizzing lessons ready by Oct. 22nd. They are ready, but the kiddos aren't. I need to stagger their release.
Keep up with Ladies' Bible Study and HOV Bible Study. Yep!No eating out unless it's a special occasion (this is going to be a goal from now until the end of the year).- Yep! Special occasions only!Get 2 new items per week in the shop. - Yep!Make bed daily. - Sadly, no. Even my best attempts failed.
Keep up in Proverbs & Pslams reading with my friend. Nope. Lost some days.
Keep the house picked up (no hot spots, etc.) - I'm calling this a fail, because I DO pick up every day, but I shouldn't have to. It should all be put away as soon as I'm done with it!
3 home-cooked meals per week (the other days can be left-overs, hodge-podge, etc.) - yep!
Learn canning, food preservation and stuff - Yep! Learned a lot with Robert's mom last week. :) (Compliments of Auntie Tricia's farm). Keep building pantry for the winter - Yep! Got plenty in there now! (I'll have to post a picture when we're done with inventory this month.)

November goals:

Keep up in Proverbs & Psalms reading with my friend - Same friend, same stuff.
Inventory pantry.
Make bed daily.
Get to bed 10 minutes earlier than usual.
Keep up with FlyLady.
One organizational task per day; not five.
60 items in my shop by Dec. 10th.
Meal planning every Sunday.
Don't clean before company. (Except Thursdays - Thursdays are laundry/ vacuuming days AND Ladies' Bible Study meets here).
Try to eat on schedule; not randomly.
Keep Information Area at church tidy and up-to-date (this is one of my newest jurisdictions outside the home).