Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's happening?

3 weeks ago on Monday, I went back to work part-time. I'm loving working, and bringing home a paycheck while still being able to do everything I need to do at home.

Scratch that.

Let's be honest: I'm slacking. Big time.

My husband has been so understanding, and willing to help with this change in our lives. Yesterday, for example,  my leg was killing me. (We'd been in meetings and constantly on the go all weekend, and we didn't get much sleep on Sunday night). I came home, attempted to get some stuff done, and ended up having to lay down to rest my leg for awhile. I accidentally fell asleep for nearly 2 hours. I felt so guilty that I apologized several times, even though Robert insisted that it was okay, and that he didn't care, and - most importantly - that I needed the rest.

The downfall to this is that I am behind in nearly everything at home, not because I don't have time to get to it, but because I can't prioritize like I need to.

I'm trying to do everything I was doing before I was working in addition to working, and - it's not working.

I'm attempting to re-do jurisdictions, schedules and everything else here so that things can fall into place again.

Don't get me wrong; our house is not messy, and we have plenty to eat. It's more like my cleaning days are off, the laundry is never quite done and my computer stuff is way behind. So, to any other person, the home would appear in order. But for my OCD brain, it's SO not.

Here's to re-doing everything!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

August Goals & July Update

Last months goals and standings are as follows:

Make bed daily - This proved to be too difficult with Robert's work schedule, and the schedule here at home as fall approaches and we have been on the go most days. I will keep this goal for next month, though. 
Keep office picked up and dusted - Success! The office didn't get too messed up; just the inbox of mine on the far right corner of my desk. 
Sell 3 loaves of bread on etsy - Success!
Write down my goals and keep track of them - Maybe if I'd written down the fact that I wanted to write down my goals, this would have been able to be accomplished! :) 
Keep track of grocery expenditures - Yes and no. I saved all the receipts and I know we were way under budget (go us!), but I didn't really catalog any of it (yet). 
Find a way to bless someone at least once per week - Success! 
Keep reading every day - I have been reading every day! And I love it. 
Go camping - Success! We went to Lake Roosevelt at Fort Spokane with Bryce, Angie, Brittany & Jacob, Ashley and Olivia. So much fun!
Pick one household project to do every day - Success! Although, for this next month, this will be changing a little. 
Stay on task with FlyLady - Epic failure. Don't even want to talk about it. 
Keep up on cleaning days - Only a fail because of unexpected events that kept me from sticking to my schedule. 
Keep dishes clean and out of the sink - Refer to above remark about cleaning days. 
Have a coffee date with a girlfriend at least twice - Success! Even though it was the same person. :) (Love you, Mama H!) 
Find more quiet time to myself - BIG success! Even when we were camping, I was able to find some time to get away and read quietly, or just relax, even, with no agenda. Love. :)
Read a book of the Bible every week - This is way too difficult with 3 other Bible Studies and other stuff going on. 
Post a focus Scripture daily somewhere in the house - I ended up completely forgetting about this. 

So, for the next month, (August), I'm revising a bit. I think goals always need revisions, and this is healthy. I'm starting today, though, not on the 7th. I found myself in limbo with decisions, goals, and a bunch of other random stuff. 

Oh, for those who didn't know, I took a part-time job this week! I'l be working Monday-Friday 8am to 12pm as a Lead Controller/ Administrator for a local construction company. I'm loving it so far, and they even gave me Friday off, because I'd gotten all my hours in earlier in the week. :) 
It works great for Robert and me, as my being home is a really necessary thing for us in our marriage. We've had plenty of people give us grief for this, saying everything from "you need to be working extra overtime and earning as much money as you can," to "that's ridiculous. You can't possibly  make that work." Well, Robert and I feel very strongly that the decision is ours, and that we are happy with it. The only reason I went back to work is because I received a very, VERY nice offer for an opportunity to work in an environment that is not toxic, with part-time hours and a pretty sweet salary. (I'm making more working part-time than I ever did full-time). This allows me to stick to my schedules, get stuff done at home, and keep my hubby and I happy. :) 

So! The following are my August goals: 

Keep up with Sunday School class material
Keep up with Bible Studies
Help Klaudia & Fran at Awana (in addition to my Director responsibilities)
Keep up with cleaning days
Stay on-task with FlyLady
Read book of Proverbs every day (the chapter which corresponds to the day)
Make bed daily
Organize one "thing" or "area" per day
Sell 2 loaves of bread on Etsy
Keep reading daily
Organize coupon cataloging curriculum to teach it to the ladies at church in the Women's Ministry

Well, that's it! Here's to getting stuff done!