Saturday, August 30, 2008

What can you do in a day?

That picture is of Blaine Larson and me. I met him at the fair on Thursday night!!

I have had a lot of people ask me how it is that I do everything I do. Really, it doesn't seem like too much to me. It just seems like life.

But, after doing what I've done today, I thought maybe I should explain a little bit how I get through my day.

Honestly, it all starts with organization. I could never function without a few basic things:
1) A FULL night's rest - which is at least 7 hours to me.
2) My day planner, "To-Do, Doing, Done" List, and calendars - Yes, I have MANY forms of organization, but without it, I would not know what to do. They all serve a special purpose, and each has helped me tremendously.
3) Email - I really don't have a ton of time to talk on the phone and have coffee for hours on end, so it's nice to have email available to me to just get tasks completed - i.e., asking simple questions to people, letting people know my plans, explaining how to do something, etc.
4) A sense of accomplishment - If I don't remind myself how much I've accomplished, I will honestly feel worthless, lazy and wasted.

That being said, here is my very basic routine:
* Write down what needs to get done, ASAP
* Prioritize tasks
* Remind myself what needs to get done
* Understand that not everything can be completed in a day, and move on
* Try not to sit down for hours at a time (MySpace, Facebook, Blogging, IMing, etc. can all be time-consuming, and honestly, they usually cause more trouble than they're worth).
* Utilize every moment I can
* Conserve
* Be honest with myself - I better be clear on what I need to get done in a day, without being unreasonable, or I'll end up stressed, crying and probably getting less done than I'd hoped

Specifically, here is what I do:
1) My day planner is ALWAYS with me. That way, I don't have to waste time and paper with Post-Its and ultimately forget to update the planner. I write down everything as it comes: due dates, special occasions, birthdays, dates, outings with friends, sports events, homework, etc. This is pretty much my all-around portal for life.
2) My To-Do, Doing, Done list is on my wall right by my bathroom. It has multiple colored Post-It notes. Each color signifies importance, from pink (most) to green (least), it has each task I need to get done. (matches my day planner). When I'm working on something, it's in the "Doing" column. If I haven't gotten to it yet, it's in the "To-Do" column. I move tasks as they need to be, and I leave them in the "Done" column for at least 24 hours.
3) My calendars - There's a dry - erase board on my room that basically just contains all of my commitments for the week - school, work, AWANA, piano, choir, etc. The calendar above my computer in my office pretty much mirrors that, just so I don't forget commitments when I work from home.


When I have a plan for a day, I tend to stress a bit more, because I have to work on a schedule, which is pressuring. But, if I have a lot to do, it's easier to get more done, ironically.

You'd be surprised what you can do in 3 minutes.

Nuke some food. While you do that, do the dishes. After the dishes are done, pause the microwave, stir the food, and restart it. Wipe the counters, get all the trash off the dining room table and wipe that down. Food's ready. Eat.

Ta-Da! You've just cleaned up two rooms.

15 minutes? Easy.

Sort your laundry, start a load. Put the load in the dryer on a fluff cycle. Stack the laundry baskets. Make your bed. Pick up the clothes on your floor. Get the laundry out of the dryer, fold it, and put it away. Stack that basket on top of the rest.

Another room done! AND your laundry is getting done, too!

An hour? Piece of cake.

Switch loads of laundry. Fold the load in the dryer and put it away. Stack the basket. Check over the house for dishes, trash and clutter. Put it all away. Clean the bathroom. Vacuum your car and wipe it out.

Check that out - a whole day's worth of work...done in an hour and 18 minutes!!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I git r done!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My heart goes out to her family...

So I don't know if any of you follow local news stories at all.

One that caught my attention early in 2007 was about a young girl, 16 years old. She told her parents she was going to a sleepover on New Year's Eve. They never imagined her life would end before they'd see her again.

She was given drugs and ended up suffering in horrible pain and seizure. She begged her friends for help, her mother, to call 911, but no one did anything. She died that night.

The person that was responsible for all that, one of her so-called "friends," was only sentenced to 2 years in juvenile detention. She's 19.

I cannot imagine what the 16 year old's parents are going through. But I just read this morning about the sentencing, and I can't help but feel for them.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Apple Crisp and bittersweet memories

So, last night Corinna made apple crisp. We make that a lot in the fall and winter times, because it warms the house to open the oven after it's done baking, and it smells REALLY good. It just reminded me of cooler weather, and cozy nights.

Then, this morning, I was reading an article in the Everett Herald about a puppy named Hailey that had to be rescued from the bottom of a pass with her owner, because they were hiking and Hailey fell. She just went off the trail and slid about 500 feet. Her owner was horrified. He thought he was watching her fall to her death. Now, this is a big dog. It's a chocolate lab retriever and weighs about 100 lbs.

Search and Rescue saved both their lives.

Hailey is now recovering from surgery on her broken leg.

But it really made me miss Hunter. Sometimes when I'm at mom's the house just seems so huge that I walk across the cul de sac and ask the neighbors if their golden retriever, Angel, can come over and visit. Sometimes, Angel just comes over on her own. It's so nice to be able to snuggle a puppy.

I just miss Hunter. And I wish my parents would consider getting another dog.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

You don't know irony until you've read this!


My grandma is in the hospital currently. Don't worry; she's okay. Just needed a little R & R with 5 star service! :) No, really, she had a heart attack and is recovering now. But she's going to be fine.

So yesterday after work, I drove up to the Colby campus to see her. I was in the room with her chatting with Auntie Sue for a bit, and then I went down to get some coffee. I came back up about 20 minutes later and the swallowing therapist was in there with Grandma. (She had choked a bit earlier this week, so this gal was just checking to make sure everything was okay).

Grandma was listening to the lady talk about how to chew, not to get distracted, not to mix different consistencies, etc. Now, this is a pretty soft-spoken lady, and Grandma is without one of her hearing aids currently.

So the next question was, "Dorothy, do you cook often?"

Grandma's face turns a shade of red I've rarely seen on a rhododendron.

Then she says, "NO! I do NOT think I would like a cocktail very much!"


Oh, I just thought I had to share that with you guys that read my blogs. :)

Thank you, Lord, for letting me be present to see that hilarity!