Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Goals, Budgets and Benefits of Early Bedtime

While I've not actually accomplished a lot of goals yet, I'm feeling really good about how much progress I've made! I feel like any progress is good. :) Any of you who really know me know by know that I'm totally a perfectionist, and I tend not to do anything unless I can do it all. Like putting laundry away - no sense in putting the whites away if I can't put away the whites and the darks! :) So this is progress with my perfectionism and OCD if nothing else!

I took a couple of Excel courses about a month ago, and it really motivated me to re-do our budget spreadsheet. It's still not exactly how I'd like it to be, but it's close. And so far, I've been disciplined enough to update it every single day, so it doesn't take hours out of one of my days every week, and so that I stay on top of it. I've been tempted NOT to update it, but I'm so devoting our fresh start with my redone budget spreadsheet to this project's undertaking! I refuse to give it up. :)

Robert and I did our "big" Costco trip tonight (we typically end up doing that once every 3 months or so). We kept the total under $125, which is basically a small miracle. I didn't really budget for this trip so soon this month, but it's not a big deal. I knew it was coming. I just didn't know that we were almost out of TP and vanilla extract, lol.

And, here it is 10:18pm, and I'm already in bed. I'm only going to read a few pages in my book and then I'm going to go to sleep. Who's proud of me?! My goal is to be at work before 9am tomorrow (as I have a meeting right at 9:30, and another one at 12:30. I won't have quite as much time to get my projects done, but hopefully my meetings will be brief.

When I get home tomorrow, my plan is to either take a nap, or at least lay down and read for a little while. Don't judge; growing a human is tiring! And my doctor said the more rest/ down time I get, the better. He says I'm on the go so often that one nap a week makes him happy (go figure). Then, I have a chiropractor's appointment, and then Awana. IF I have time - and that's a big "if" - I plan to vacuum, and finish the decorating, if I can ever find my carolers to go in the china cabinet!

Here's to a good start on the middle of my week!

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