Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Embarrassing moment of pregnancy

Warning: This blog post has a small gross-factor.

*Originally composed on October 22, 2012* 
Last night, the most embarrassing thing happened to me. Not that I'm blaming our little sweetheart in my belly, but really and truly, it was completely "morning" sickness related! (BTW - what person ever only had "morning" sickness?! I like to call it 24/7 sickness that strikes at the most inappropriate times!)

Anyway, Robert and I have learned that I really shouldn't eat after 7pm. It really isn't fun, because I'm hypoglycemic, so I need to eat something small (like half a yogurt) about every hour and a half. I used to be able to get away with eating once every 2 1/2 hours, but since I've been pregnant, I really have to have food more often. Last night, I had to eat, because my tummy was growling so loud, I just couldn't ignore it! I don't even remember what it was that I ate, but it wasn't much.

That was a mistake.

Even more than an hour later, it was threatening to not stay down. :(

So, I did what I've always done when I feel sick: I went to the bathroom, shut the door and braced myself for the worst.

It was definitely one of my worst experiences yet.

I won't go into detail, but I had my knees on our bathroom rug. I thought I had everything under control, but then my body was heaving so hard that I hit my head on the toilet, knees (and rug) slid backwards and sideways, and I was laying flat on the floor. It was quite a spectacle, I'm sure. It took me a minute to take inventory and make sure I was okay, but I couldn't move. It was like I was so weak that I was paralyzed! A little scary, but I knew I was okay and just needed water. So, with the most vocal assistance I could muster, I said, "Sweetheart....I need you!"

He came in quickly, saw me upside down in front of him and said, "What the.... are you okay??!"

Sigh. Yes, I was fine. I have this awesome bump & bruise right on my hairline, so when I had my hair cut today, I had Lisa cut my bangs to cover it up until it heals.

I'm sure I have many more embarrassing moments to come, and I'll laugh about it someday, but last night, it wasn't fun! (And none of you will read this for at least a week! lol!)

October 15th, 2012 Update

*Originally composed on 10/15/2012* 
Well, since the doctor put me on the anti-nausea medication last Thursday, I've been using it as he directed: Once every 8 hours, only as-needed. It's not to be taken 24/7, so I have not been doing that.

Saturday, I did great all day at the Awana Conference, as I took the medicine first thing in the morning. And then I lost everything I ate that night. :( It was a major emotional evening here at the Crombie home, because I was mad that I threw up, scared for the baby, and worried that the doctor would be angry with me because every time I get sick, I lose more weight. I cried and cried for about half an hour, and Robert's poor shoulder was so wet by the time I finally stopped sobbing! He was so supportive, though, reassuring me and telling me the doctor wouldn't be mad, and that baby was okay.

Today is Monday, and I took my medicine first thing this morning. But I felt completely icky anyway. So, I tried to take things slow, and arrived at work an hour later than I usually do. Upon arrival, my boss said, "Are you okay??? You look really pale..." I said, "No, but I'm here. And I almost called in, but I decided against it." She told me if I needed to leave early it was no big deal, but I wanted to stay for the whole day. I made it through, and everything seemed fine....until I got home to teach Alexis's piano lesson.

After work, I had to go get the oil changed in the Focus. (Robert doesn't do either of our vehicles' services before winter, just so we can have a very thorough once-over on them - and it's cold outside.) That was no biggie, and I knew I'd need to eat as soon as I got home. I got home, had a piece of dry toast and some water, and started feeling horrible in the middle of Alexis's lesson (on Skype). I toughed it out, and she did well. I talked to her mom for about 30 minutes about her progress afterwards (not typical, usually we just chat for a couple minutes, but we digressed into discussing kids and the pregnancy, etc.) Well, about 25 minutes into our talk, I started feeling terrible. REALLY terrible. As soon as I ended the Skype call, I was in the bathroom, and the toast did not stay down.

At that point, I decided to call the doctor's office, and I told the nurse that one of two things was going to happen. Either a) I was going to follow the doctor's directions and only use the medication as-needed, and not have the refills I needed to get through the rest of feeling horrible and not being able to keep any food down at all, or b), they could amend the directions and prescription so I could eat. The nurse asked me what was going on, and when I described what was happening, she briefly put me on hold, came back and said, "The doctor and I are in agreement. He doesn't want you losing any more weight, and you need to be taking that medicine every 8 hours - period." I requested not to have to take it at night when I'm asleep, as I'm not waking up all night to get sick. They said that was fine, but for every minute I'm awake, I need to have it in me.

Sigh. I really hate throwing up. I know I lose weight every time I do it. I know how bad it hurts, and I cry every single time. I've been worried that the baby isn't getting enough nutrition because I'm not keeping anything down. Since I've been on the medicine, though, I have a somewhat normal appetite, and everything stays down. It's only when I let the medicine lapse that I have the problems. So I guess I'm thankful that the doctor and his nurse have something that they can prescribe to help me eat and get nutrition for me and the baby. I wish I didn't have to take it, but I cannot even put into words how difficult it is just to live when you're as sick as I've been. I explained to the nurse that, if I'm not at work (and therefore, in the bathroom every 10-15 minutes), I'm in bed - period. At the appointment, I had mentioned that, too. But right when I said that today, she was looking at my chart and said, "Oh! Well, you're right at 12 weeks now!" I said, "Um....no, the doctor said I was only 9 weeks and 3 days on Thursday..." Turns out, they'd never changed the due date and how far I was in their system. Which is why I ended up with such a tiny prescription for the anti-nausea medication and only one refill.

That's my update for today (which none of you will get to read for a few weeks yet!)

So sick....

*Originally composed on Oct. 12th, 2012* 

Because we chose not to "go live" with our blog or social media about this until after the first trimester, this blog post will not be showing up until weeks after I actually composed it. :)

We're Due May 13th, 2013. These are the first pictures we have of the baby, taken on Thursday, October 11th, 2012. 10/11/12 - pretty cool, huh?!

For the first month of the pregnancy, I felt completely fine, except for being exhausted. It was difficult to even vacuum the family room! I stopped drinking coffee within a week of finding out that we were expecting, and haven't even had any cravings for it. In fact, it doesn't sound good at all - I know, those of you who know me are probably in shock right now.

Then, I ended up with absolutely terrible "morning" sickness. Let me preface that a bit by saying I've never experienced any sickness as wildly unpredictable and essentially crippling illness ever in my life. Nothing brings me to my knees faster than stomach troubles, but in addition to that, I was unable to eat anything for days. It was awful. Anything I ate came back up, and I was exhausted and dehydrated from losing all the fluids.

We tried everything to get it under control - a bland diet, Tums, drinking tons of water, eating tiny TINY meals - nothing worked. I felt completely miserable. If I wasn't at work or church, I was in bed. Period. And even that was short-lived, since I had to run to the bathroom every 15-20 minutes.

Finally, we had our first OB appointment on Thursday, Oct. 11th. It was pretty routine, as far as I know. Weigh in, talk to nurse, go over history, wait for doctor. (I had a full bladder, as I was anticipating an ultrasound, and I ended up having to use the restroom before the doctor came in - whoops. The nurse caught me on the way back, and said, "We really need to get a urine sample." I said, "Um.... a few minutes too late. I'll try again before I leave." I felt awful! But I couldn't hold it.) So before the doctor came in, Robert told me what I'd weighed in. I didn't even have a chance to look at it, because it all happened so fast and was electronic. I was scared, because it was far lower than what I'd weighed in at when I went to confirm the pregnancy on August 31st at my family practice doctor.

The doctor asked about my eating habits, and when I explained what I was going through (and after he checked my chart), he recommended a low dose of anti-nausea medication. I haven't even taken Tylenol since we found out we were expecting, but I didn't know what else I could do. The doctor confirmed the weight loss, and wanted me to do everything I could to put weight on (or at least not lose much more). So, I'm trusting his expert advice.

Through all of this, Robert has been amazing. Cravings, sickness, discomfort, housework, cooking - anything I throw at him, he's been meeting every challenge and supporting me 100%. I can't imagine how difficult this would be if he wasn't so loving and caring towards me. I look around at the media, other girls in our area, etc., and I'm so thankful for a loving husband, good jobs and fabulous insurance, and a beautiful house. I know that I'm very, very blessed to have all of those things, and I take none of it for granted!

Now that everyone is in-the-know, I should end this post by saying that most of my baby updates will be posted via this blog; not Facebook. I will, however, post the links to the blog on Facebook. So, if you don't already follow my blog, now's a good time!

We're Having A Baby!!!!!

I've been waiting for nearly 2 months to post this! :)

Photo credit: Bryce Lee
We're having a baby! We're due May 13th, 2013.

Here's a picture of the first ultrasound (10/11/12):
Teeny tiny baby! :) Right now, our little sweetheart is about 2 1/2 inches long. Our next appointment is Thursday, Nov. 8th.

My apologies to those of you who have tried to set up coffee dates, get-togethers and other stuff with me! I have just not had any energy, and I've been very, VERY sick. (More about my health in another post, but to give you an idea of how sick I've been, I lost 18lbs. since we found out for sure that we were pregnant.) Anyway, I'm finally starting to get some of my energy back - just in time for the holidays, hehe! :)

We are so excited about our sweet baby, and we can't wait to find out what we're having (right before Christmas!)

Stay tuned for more updates about Baby Crombie!

PS - I'll be posting 2 or 3 "old" blog posts in just a few minutes - I had to wait until we went live with the announcement before I posted my blogs! As you read, keep in mind that they were composed weeks ago. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Car safety and preparing for winter

Robert usually does our oil changes. It's been that way for about a year and half or so. It saves money, and frankly, I feel like he, Uncle Derek & Grandpa Byers do a really good job of it. So good that I never missed taking my car to other places.

Well, right before the winter season (usually the first week of November), I try to get both the Trailblazer and the Focus winter-ready. That includes tire and brake checks, rotations and balances if necessary, oil changes at brick-and-mortar place, antifreeze checks, fluid checks, and usually a complete washing inside and out of both vehicles.

It's a lot of work, but this is what I have to say of it: You can't put a price on preparedness and safety. I think my parents, my grandparents, my aunt, and pretty much anyone else who had a hand in raising me has always taught me that, and I know that my Grandpa Gord would be very happy to know that we're taking such good care of our vehicles. :)

Last week, I took my car for an oil change, and also got the tires balanced and rotated. Because I bought 4 new tires this summer for it, those were just fine. I had the brakes and shocks checked as well, but everything was fine. I also got 2 new front wiper blades for the Trailblazer, and replaced those.

This week, I turned my attention to the Trailblazer specifically. I asked Robert to get an oil change in the Trailblazer today, and he just waited until I got home so I could go with him. We took it to a different place than I took my Focus, and they did a very thorough job. We learned that the two rear license plate lights (which are required), were burnt out. I was not thrilled, as replacing those on my car earlier this summer was not a fun task, but this one proved to be easy. Additionally, we learned we needed a new belt. Sigh.

When we got home, we discussed and decided to have Robert take the truck back to that place first thing tomorrow morning for the belt replacement. It's not an easy task, and I didn't want to mess with it at home. In addition, we finally got a quote on tires we're going to take, so I'm doing that tomorrow, too.

It's an expensive couple of weeks, but it's well-worth the price to be safe. Don't you think?

Friday, October 5, 2012

October goals & September update

Well, I was not planning on getting sick and run down like I ended up being during the month of September, but sadly, my goals suffered severely because of it. :(

Most of my days were spent sleeping or just resting in bed after work, and due to working twice as many hours as I'm used to for two weeks of the month (which I forgot about when I posted my tardy September goals), hardly anything got done around our house. Sigh.

Here's the update:

  • Have Awana "Important Dates," contact cards, and leaders' manuals ready to go by Tuesday, September 12th - Success!
  • Sleep in at least twice during the month - Success!
  • Do my shoulder rehab exercises every day (did I mention I'm recovering from a bad rotator cuff injury?) - Not so much...I got VERY lazy.
  • Drink 32oz. of water every day - Success!
  • Read the "Daily Bread" Devotional when I get home from work each day - Fail, especially since I kept losing it.
  • Read 1 chapter from Proverbs and 5 from Psalms each morning, or before bed - I don't even want to talk about it
  • Read two library books - Sleeping took precedence :(
  • Get the pantry in the kitchen cleaned out and re-organized - ONE lousy shelf... the top one. :(
  • Get back on track with laundry days, instead of just doing it when I have time. - Not even.
  • Keep the common areas picked up every day - I wasn't able to do it like I wanted to, but I definitely improved, so I say SUCCESS!
  • 4 new items listed in my Etsy shop - Not yet; just two. :(
  • Sell 10 things on eBay - I listed a whopping 1. :(
  • Start a thankfulness journal, and keep it going through Dec. 31st (to get in the season of Thanksgiving) - Ha. FAIL.
    • Spring-boarding off that, be thankful for all the hours my husband gets at work and the abundance of income it's bringing in, instead of feeling sorry for myself missing him!
  • Pick up guest room, dust bookshelves and entertainment center, vacuum - nope, and there's WAY more stuff in there now. Epic fail.
  •  Get the newsletter ready for printing and final layout done by Friday, September 21st - Well, it was done...and then I got late submissions. So I included them and still had it printed on time. :)
  • Choose a clubber of the month on Sunday, Sept. 30th and present them with the award on Wednesday, October 3rd at club (we weren't consistent with it last year based on behavior, but we're going to do it every month regardless this year - as a challenge for us finding the silver lining!) - This one only failed because I was totally sick last week and couldn't go to Awana, and didn't have the certificate prepared, and Robert didn't want to do it. :( I was really bummed that he didn't want to do it, but I guess we'll just have to do it next week.

My goals for October are as follows:
  • Clean office
  • Clean guest room
  • Clean vinyl floors 1x weekly
  • Vaccuum 1x weekly (twice is tough when you're trying to kick a lingering head cold!)
  • Set dining room table with autumn decorations & plates
  • Finish 5 more Christmas gifts
  • List 5 things on eBay
  • Start preparing my ledger for taxes from etsy & eBay (notice I said "start." This whole task is very time-consuming, but since the bulk of my sales happen between 10/1, and 12/24, I'm starting early). 
  • Email the Newsletter to the church office by Fri., Oct. 26th 
  • Start making gift tags for Christmas gifts
  • Do laundry on Sundays or Mondays and Thursdays
  • Start the thankfulness journal for REAL
  • Read 1 chapter from Proverbs & 5 chapters from Psalms daily
  • Read the "Daily Bread" devotional every day
  • Check all Bible Quizzing study guides for errors
  • Donate 5 bags of stuff we don't need to Value Village (this will mean going through things...)
  • Have Robert help me clean out the pantry & food cabinets in the house
  • Work on my Christmas music on both violin & piano :) 
What are your goals for October? I'd love to hear! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Confession time...

I may or may not have just fluffed the clothes in the dryer and asked my husband to dump them on our bed so I could have the excuse of folding them on our bed.... And make the comforter and sheets nice and toasty warm. :)