Monday, December 10, 2012

17 weeks!

I've made it 17 weeks with our little sweetheart (who is supposedly the size of an onion now!)

Last week I really took bad 16 week pictures, and felt yucky. Sorry; there won't be a 16 week picture!

I am fairly certain that Robert is very unimpressed with these pictures, because he doesn't like any of them being taken at night - but we don't seem to have any other time to do them.

This week, I'm feeling a little tired, and I'm constantly craving coffee! Don't worry; I'm not having more than my one cup per day - I totally gave up on the no-coffee-at-all deal after the first trimester. It's way too difficult, and the doctor said it's perfectly safe. It's actually fine for me to have as much as I was having before baby, but that's still quite a bit.

I'm pretty sure this is my last week in my regular jeans/ pants, unless I wear a super long shirt or a hoodie. :) I'm uncomfortable when I sleep, and I'm about to commandeer Robert's t-shirt drawer. Sleeping on my tummy is no longer okay, and the baby seems to hate it when I'm on my right side. I'm guessing I've got about 5 more months of that, lol!

We're going to look at a nursery set for a steal of a deal later this week. I invested in some small baby clothing items, a new jacket for Robert and some more maternity clothes for myself today at Value Village.

Christmas gift progress is slow, but coming along!

That's my 17 week update. :) 

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