Saturday, December 29, 2012

20 weeks!

Forgive this picture; I was so tired when we took it! But this is me at 20 weeks pregnant with Ellie Jo!

I finally can wear some of my maternity shirts. I'm still wearing my regular pants, because they still fit. I feel like I'm carrying so high! Most of the time, I like to wear my lounge pants and t-shirts to be comfortable. Jeans are even too much for me if I'm just around the house, lol. I'm definitely the queen of comfort right now.

After 3 months of feeling totally exhausted and super, super sick, I'm finally getting my energy back! Yesterday I picked up most of the main areas of the house, and didn't have to sit down and rest! I felt amazing after accomplishing what I did. Since about a week before Christmas, we've hardly been home long enough to sleep, let alone keep up on housework - and that bothers me so much! But this week, I got a lot done. I even had time to clean all of our towels using this Pinterest idea! It worked decently, but I think it was talked up quite a bit.

Yesterday, I did laundry, and folded it all. Now if I could just put it all away....

I'm planning to keep Christmas decorations up until after New Year. I really need to just relax a little bit before I really tackle that project. I'm looking forward to it, so I can get more of the house ready for the baby.

Speaking of which, we have been so blessed by amazing gifts from our family and friends for Ellie Jo! If you missed my post on this, check it out here.

Anyway, for those who have asked, I am still getting sick. Not as much as before, but when I get sick, I lose everything. Most of the women I've talked to don't really have a way to relate, as most of their sickness was first thing in the morning, or only when their stomach was empty. I find myself wishing it was that easy for me, but the truth is that I can't eat dinner without expecting to lose it all, even when I take my medicine. I'm not gaining weight yet, but hopefully by the next appointment with the OB, I'll get good news!

I have been able to drink between 32 and 64oz. of water every day! I normally hate plain water, but as much as I love vitamin water and juice, it makes me sick most of the time. (Again, we're finding that unless I get a solid 9 hours of sleep at night, my digestion pays the price). But my water intake has me feeling good!

Other than that, I'm just trying to organize our registries and all of Ellie Jo's stuff! The daybed in the guest room will be going back to it's original home, at my dad's house. More than likely, the entertainment center and TV in there will also have to go to my dad's. This will make my old room there a nice place for Grandma Freeman to stay when she comes to visit Dad. :) It will also free up space in the guestroom here to make it a nursery for Ellie Jo. (I am keeping the office as it is). Now if we could just find a new home for the spinet piano in the office, we could move the two bookshelves out of the guestroom and into office!

All in all, I'm feeling very little stress, and I'm getting more excited because of all the blessings and neat baby items that are making their way into our home!

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