Monday, May 26, 2014

1 Year Pics!

Yes, we are 3 weeks late posting this. Yes, we had to wait 3 weeks to take these pictures. Why, you ask?

Ask the big 1-year-old, who decided that she wanted to face-plant into the corner of a chair - right around her birthday. Yep, that happened. She had a big bruise on her left cheek for 3 weeks, and it's still not completely gone.

Anyway, here are some fun facts about our 1-year-old!

  • She can play peek-a-boo by herself
  • She blows kisses
  • She waves goodbye without being asked
  • She can pull herself up and stand alone
  • She eats grown-up food (her favorite is turkey & havarti)
  • She can do "1-2-3 BOOM!" in her crib (you count, she falls on her bottom)
  • She can say "yeah," (we're getting so tired of "nay")
  • She plays independently for up to an hour (it's amazing!)
  • And the last (sad) fact - she is weaned.
One week after her first birthday, Ellie decided she didn't want to nurse anymore. In a way, it's sad. It was a special bonding time that I had with her. And had I known that Thursday before our last MOPS meeting would be the last time I would get to nurse her, I probably would have let her nurse longer, although she did nurse for 20 minutes straight. I tried for a week to get her to nurse again (in case her fits were due to teething), but gave up after that. I'm still pumping for a couple weeks, but I'm trying to slowly wean out of that for myself.

We've been working really hard on blanket/ quiet time, but church is still a struggle. Currently, there are zero babies in the nursery her age - they are all at least a year older - and I am not comfortable leaving her in the nursery with that many older kids. Additionally, until the carpet in the nurseries is replaced, I don't let her in there unless she's on a blanket that we provide. So, during church, she has to sit with us. Which is fine - I prefer that, because it teaches her how to sit quietly and listen. We sit in the balcony anyway, which is convenient when one of us has to leap up and tend to her.

KinderMusik just ended for the semester, and I'm not sure we'll be able to continue next fall. :( It depends on the class offerings, because my work schedule is pretty set, and right now, there are no classes on Wednesdays. Which brings me to an off-topic point - I'm not working from home at all this summer. This will be a change for me, but I'm looking forward to it. It's a good way for me to disconnect from work when I need to be focused at home. I will be carpooling with Robert 3 days per week to work. This will make it very difficult to get to softball on time, but it is what it is.

MOPS is also over for the year. I've already registered for next year. MOPS was so good for me. I don't want to say I couldn't live without it, but I really liked being able to bounce ideas off of other mommies who have babies my age. I've made good friends, and definitely received good advice - and I absolutely LOVED all of the crafts!

But without further ado, here's the princess at 1 year (and 3 weeks) old:

What? I have to wear sticker again?

No way, mommy!

She's not really clapping on her
own. We put on Pharrell.

The ONLY picture of her smiling.

I'm done with this sticker, guys.

I squish your sticker!


Robert: "Look at mommy!"
Ellie: "Who, me?"

"Clap along if you know what
happiness is to you."

I don't like this onesie, guys.

I told you not to put this on me again, mommy...

I crumple your sticker, mommy.

I eat your sticker, mommy.


Our big 1-year-old :)
That's it! We're all done with the first year! (And, we didn't read any of those books, either). It's official: We all survived! And I'd venture to say we're thriving. :)

In her first year, Elizabeth:
  • Learned 8 signs
  • Learned how to roll over, scoot, crawl, and pull up on furniture
  • Learned how to hand mommy & daddy things she's not supposed to touch
  • Learned how to feed herself small pieces of food
  • Got 2 teeth
  • Completed 1 year at MOPS & KinderMusik
  • Traveled to North Bend
  • Traveled to Skagit Valley
  • Traveled to Las Vegas
  • and much, much more!

Thanks for keeping up with us via our family blog. Stay tuned for more updates!

PS - We've gotten some questions about our house pictures. We're not done with our improvements yet. We still have a ways to go. When it's all done, we'll post pictures! 

Las Vegas 2014 - Part 2

Wednesday was definitely my favorite day in Las Vegas!

Stacy and I learned SO MUCH in several sessions. It's amazing to think of just how eye-opening that conference was! We both feel so much more equipped to do our jobs more efficiently since we got home. But I digress....

Wednesday was my earliest day, as breakfast started at 7:30am. (Looking back, I now realize that because it's a "networking" breakfast - really, a fancy way of saying "forcing people to sit at random tables to get to know each other or sit in awkward silence forever" - and there are literally 37 countries and over 1,000 people represented at that conference, 7:30 was a suggestion.) I quickly learned that the water in the shower takes 15 minutes to warm up, even at 6:45am. Haha! Yep, I had to call the concierge or something like that, and ask them why the water wasn't getting hot. That extra 15 minutes would have cost me my breakfast, if I hadn't skipped pumping. (PS - our room was located exactly 12 minutes walking from the conference center. And it was all in the MGM Grand. I learned how to run through that hotel like nobody's business, especially that day, when I had 30 minutes to get back, pump, and return to the conference).

I got down to breakfast with Stacy, and we went about our day, mostly in larger seminars.

I got to meet up with Robert for a few minutes here and there, but it was 10 minutes from the room to the pools, and with a nearly 1-year-old, that proved to be very difficult for him to get her there. However, it was almost to the conference center, so seeing them a couple of times was a nice break for me, and a long walk for Elizabeth & Daddy!

Hands-down, the best part about Wednesday was that we got to see Mike & Shannon! Shannon is Robert's cousin, and we just love both Mike & Shannon to pieces! We don't get to see them often, because they actually live in Vegas. Shannon and I share a common interest in collecting handbags and various entrepreneurial adventures, and have very similar personalities. Robert & Mike are laid back and definitely welcome a break where they get to hang out, too!

Shannon had planned to pick us up outside our hotel, but due to a huge traffic jam, there was a slight change of plans, and Mike picked us up instead. It was actually really nice to stand outside and hang out in the late afternoon, because it was shaded and breezy, and Ellie took the opportunity to nap in her stroller!

We went to Caesar's Palace so we could eat at my favorite restaurant in the world! Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill! We were a little nervous about Elizabeth, because she hadn't had a nap longer than 30 minutes all day, but it worked out (read all the way to the end, after the pictures). Here are the pictures of our second day in Vegas:

Here's Daddy and Ellie at Mesa Grill

Mike, Robert and Ellie at dinner

Ellie loved cousin Shannon's

...and cousin Shannon loved
spending time with Ellie!

Shannon even bought two brand new books
for Ellie Jo to enjoy while the adults were at
dinner! (Even now, these are her favorite books,
and her first choice when we go out to restaurants!)


My entree - Salmon! Shannon and I got the
same thing. I dream about this salmon far
too often. It was 2 years since I'd last had it!

Tamale! I LOVE the colors on the plate!


Dessert! Oh yes, we did! We all shared one,
because after apps, dinner and chatting - we
were all pretty spent!

Here's Daddy & Ellie outside Mesa Grill!

I think this is currently my cover photo on FB. :)
Our little family outside my favorite restaurant in
the whole world!

She just had to touch the statue...

It was fascinating!

We took this one for Auntie Ashley! (AKA "Munch")
This was here last time we were in Vegas, and I was
amazed that it was still in the same place!

Tile ceiling art in Vegas!

Totally exhausted, but lost in a gaze at the huge

I loved the fountains outside!

I cropped the top of this statue...if you've ever been
to Caesar's, you know why :)

Paris Hotel! (This was the point
that I apologized to Shannon &
Mike for being such a tourist,

Because you can't take
just one picture of it...

I also want to point out that Ellie Jo was with us at dinner for nearly 3 1/2 hours - we each had a drink, shared apps, dinner, sides and dessert, and chatted forever - and she never once cried or screamed. That's right; our 11-month-old was literally a golden child! I think every member of the wait staff stopped by our table to compliment us on her behalf! (I'm hoping we didn't give Mike & Shannon a false sense of security, though - this behavior is rare and not always experienced by the parents!)

Getting to spend this time with Shannon & Mike was so nice for us! Shannon and I drove back to the hotel without the guys (since Shannon ended up having to meet us there, Robert and Ellie rode back with Mike). Shannon showed me some backstreets that were so quiet! And I'm pretty sure we got hit on by a car full of teenage boys - yeah, that happened.

We got turned around somehow, and ended up having to go around the back of the hotel, but it was so cool, because we got to see the Underground at the MGM! Shannon and I were hauling a bunch of stuff up to our room, because she was SO GENEROUS and brought me a whole new wardrobe! (I was about 50lbs heavier before I had Ellie, and after running, softball, and throwing up for 9 months during the pregnancy, and then losing an additional 15lbs after losing the "normal" baby weight, lets just say none of my clothes fit the same. Shannon and I are nearly the same size, and have similar tastes in clothes. She was so sweet, and in down-sizing her wardrobe has blessed me SO MUCH with clothes that actually fit!)

The guys got there about 5 minutes after us, (which was good, because I'd left my purse in the room by mistake, so we didn't have a room key to get in), and we all went upstairs. Ellie was pretty tired, but she tolerated more talking, visiting, mommy going through Shannon's stuff to figure out what to take back with us and what to leave (we only had so much space in our suitcases), and some play time. But eventually, the crying started, and Mike said, "Ah ha! I KNEW you were a real baby!" Haha! She did a good job fooling him up to that point. :)

Anyway, they had to get home, and we needed to get to bed. Shannon wanted to meet up for lunch on Thursday, but due to her work appointments and my conference schedule, we just couldn't work it out. Next time we go down, we'll definitely be eating at Mona Mi Gabby

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Garden Up and First Birthday

We wore our matching pink Columbia fleeces!
Last Monday, I took a Personal Holiday from work to celebrate Ellie Jo's very first birthday with her! It was a very special day for both of us, and it was so sweet to let her sleep in until she wanted to wake up (about 9:30!), and go in to see her standing in her crib, waiting for me to get her. She greeted me with a sweet smile, and "Mama? Mama? MAMA!!" and then a big giggle. She was SO happy to have mommy home with her, because Mondays & Tuesdays are the hardest for both of us, as I go to work all day both days.

I took her to Starbucks for a special mommy & me treat for her birthday - a pink cake pop! (And of course I had a tall soy Vanilla Macchiatto!) I had dressed her in the "It's My Birthday" shirt, after waking up at 6:45 to wash it before she woke up (it had cake on it from her party). The baristas who saw it when I set her on the counter while I fished in my purse for my Gold Card were so sweet, and offered to pay for her cake pop! I told them no, they didn't need to do that, but they all insisted.
"Mmmm, Zoe and I like this cake
pop, mommy!"

Not quite sure how to dig in...

"Like this, mommy?"

"I got this!"

"See, Zoe?"

Right after she signed, "Thank you."

Picking it apart, lol!

Aaannnddd it all went in, haha!

"Ooooh! Ooooohh!'

Pretty good for never having had one!

She loved it!

Juice break! (You can kind of see her
shirt in this one)

There wasn't really anywhere to sit that was conducive to having a baby, except across from a gentleman who was working on his laptop. I decided to just set her down there, where I could sit right next to her, and still give her some space to play. (Big leather chairs = super fun freedom for baby!) 

At first, I was nervous about disrupting him, but then I saw Ellie just grinning from ear to ear, and shrieking with joy - looking right at him. He was making silly faces and smiling at her! He said, "It's been about 20 years since I had one that little. Makes me miss that time." We chatted for a few minutes, and he told Ellie "happy birthday, sweetie," before returning to his work. What a nice man!
Playing with her toys

My sweet girl and her Zoe

Reading to mommy

This is about when she got tired of the Starbucks

She lasted about 20 minutes in there with her toys while I sipped my coffee and talked to her, telling her what a good girl she was, and how mommy was so happy to get to spend the day with her. I think that was pretty good, considering she hadn't yet had her morning nap!

We went home for a nap, and then I got a lot of stuff done around the house! After her party on Saturday (a post for later, when I have more time), I reached my "Kate Gosselin" moment - where I just snap because the house is a disaster. I had to do something about it. I figured cleaning the floors was a reasonable goal, since the rest of the house cleaning required me making noise and Ellie was sleeping. I got them swept, Swiffer dry-mopped, and Swiffer Wet-Jet'd! (At least, the floors in the kitchen and great room). I was pleased with my progress! (See the seat cushions piled up on the right? Those got washed, too!)

Cleaning the pergo floors was a
MUST on Monday!
 I had been planning to take Ellie to Pike Place Market with Leah & Ashley, but it got to be too late in the day with Leah working (she recently got her real estate license!), and the baby sleeping. So, when I called Leah to check in, we changed plans, and decided to take Ellie to the Skagit Valley Food Co-Op to get all of our vegetable and herb starts. Ashley got off work early enough that she was able to go with us, too! It was perfect. It's a special trip that we make annually, and it was so sweet to get to share it with Ellie for her special day!

Here's our little shopper!
And today, I finally got time to plant everything! I was so excited to get it done, because it's important to get everything rooted before June. The church had a huge dirt pile that needed to be taken away, so Robert hauled some over for the ground cover in my raised bed garden. We bought a 2-yard bag of topsoil at Wal-Mart last night, and together, they made a fabulous garden!

Robert made me that garden out of pallets!

Looks good, right?!

Here's a side view

Lots of room for things to grow

The lettuce looks sooo good!

Can you see the Purple Basil in the

Dill in the front!

All the stuff I have left to plant in individual

I still need to pick up some stuff from my mom's, like my lattice for the peas, and find some of my round containers for the blueberries and tomatilloes. But eventually, it will all get done!

Here is a list (in no particular order) of everything we have in our garden this year:

  • Sweet Onion
  • Mini Red Bell Pepper
  • Pablano Pepper
  • Green/ Red Bell Pepper
  • Farmer's Choice Lettuce Mix
  • Green Globe Artichoke
  • Garlic
  • Green Zucchini
  • Salad Bowl Mix Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Oregon Sugar Snap Peas
  • Shelling Type Peas
  • Lemon Basil
  • Sweet Basil
  • Thai Basil
  • Purple Basil
  • Chives
  • Lemon Balm
  • Dill
  • French Tarragon
  • Creeping Prostratus Rosemary
  • Licorice Plant
  • Apple Mint*
  • Chocolate Mint*
  • Everbearing Strawberries*
  • Pineapple Crush Strawberries*
  • Blueberries*
  • Pie Pumpkin*
  • Yellow Potatoes*
  • Red Potatoes*
  • Tomatillo*
*still needs to be transplanted

Anyway, I hope to have a fruitful garden this year! It was so special to get to take Ellie to pick out everything!