Monday, November 29, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

...but not in our house. I just haven't had time time to get the decorations up yet, which makes me sad, because this is my favorite time of year!

Anyway, I'm excited for the coming Christmas season. I'm working with my friend Jacob on planning our church's Candles & Carols service (which is always phenomenal, btw), which we've decided to have on Christmas Eve this year. I'm also trying to get the latest edition of our church's newsletter out tomorrow or Wednesday to the copy editor (since I'm the editor), and I'm waiting on stuff from people. So, I'm doing all my stuff first. 

While my cousin was here staying with over the holiday, she and I really got a lot of work done in my office. As I type this, I'm actually sitting at my desktop computer! :)


A miracle, which I thought would never really happen....but, we uncovered the floor, cleaned up the desk, got rid of a ton of recycling & garbage, AND I even found a bunch of gift cards and money from my birthday! Exciting!

 This is the right hand (north) side of the closet. Everything hanging is what I currently have for sale on eBay. Below it, is my plastic bin of fabrics and ribbons for my shop.
 This is my desk area. The piano is on the east wall next to the desk. (The boxes are the last 2 to sort though!)
 You can see the north wall here. (Bookshelf on the west wall).
 As you can see, the bookshelf needs some  help.
 This is just looking out the door to the den, kind of facing southwest.
 And a view facing southeast.
And here is the left (south) side of the closet. It's my little shipping station, and in the cabinet is everything I have for sale in my shop! You can find my shop here

So, I just have a little left to do. But I'm getting there!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's amazing what you can get done before noon!

Today, I had several things on my to-do list:

1) Wake up at the crack of dawn to go to the Value Village 50% off all clothing, shoes and accessories sale
2) Spend some time with my husband
3) Go to Winco and use the coupons that I sent Robert dumpster-diving for after I found out I'd accidentally tossed them.
4) Go to Home Depot and get a new air filter. (Those things are so expensive! I recommend taking your husband to pick them out).
5) Visit Keri & Kenley for lunch and girl/ craft time.

I was at Keri & Brian's by noon. :) We had an incredible lunch - tuna melts & fries!! Might not be exciting to you, but it is one of my favorites. Then, I got to see their new place and hear all the ideas Keri has for it. (They all sound fabulous, by the way!)

She also introduced me to an idea that might help Robert whenever I finally get my dresser/ armoire built. Super awesome website!

Then, we took magazines, and made them into these!

Most definitely, we learned a lot about paper thickness, brads, and the best key to all crafting: cheats.

We'll both have hot glue next time, because some of our centers were not what we wanted.
This blue one is from a Tiffany's ad. Definitely both of our faves!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

On being content...Thankful post #1

So, these last 2 weeks, I have focused my time and energy on my husband, our home, and our lives outside of the home. It has been an adjustment period, as I was working full-time (or more), and am now a homemaker. But I see the benefits of what God is doing in our lives already.

Let me list the blessings I've found from this unexpected situation:

* God's timing: We refinanced Robert's TrailBlazer and qualified for the lowest interest rate available a month ago. Had we waited until now, and I would have no job, we couldn't have done this. It also allowed us to "skip" a payment. So we don't have to pay it until the end of the month.
* God's provision: I've been working hard to get more items up in my shop (, and He has been faithful to provide. The night before I lost my job, I made my first sale on etsy to someone in Florida whom I do not know, nor have any connection to. I've also sold everything on eBay last week that I listed, and have filled 2 custom orders on etsy, as well as sold 2 other orders on etsy, and will make another sale later today.
* God's plan: It has been made apparent to us that I am supposed to stay home right now, and work hard to earn money for the shop and on eBay. This has not failed yet. When we've prayed about this situation, we get nothing but affirmation to continue doing what we are doing from the Lord.
* God's perfect knowledge: I have decreased my stress level by a significant amount, since I've been home. I no longer feel incompetent, incapable and upset every day because of the stressful work environment I was in previously. I am HAPPY, and nothing can take the place of that.
* God's support: No matter what, we've been assured that we're well-taken care of right now. It's been eye-opening. I've been able to have friends over to visit, bless others by using my time and care, and take care of a lot around the house that otherwise wouldn't get attention.

Truthfully, Robert and I are just walking faithfully, and are content with where we are. Despite many negative attitudes we've encountered recently regarding our home/ work situation, we're determined to make this work while the Lord is leading us in a new direction.

I feel confident that we are supposed to be where we're at, and although I am seeking better employment than I had before, I'm also fine with being home right now.