Thursday, September 11, 2008

Don't patronize me!

As most of you know, I work in a construction plan center. I have worked there since my junior year of high school.

That being said, I would never claim to "know it all," or even pretend that I do. There is much about this business that I still don't know or understand, but I'm willing to learn and be taught about it. Generally, I do anything that's asked of me within reason, and I find something to do if there's nothing for me to do. If I can't, I go home.

So. I'm the one that sits up front in our office. You'd think that I'm just a receptionist, but I'm not at all. I rarely answer the phones, if ever, and I don't really carry messages. I'm responsible for signing for packages from UPS, Fed-Ex, USPS, and any couriers that are bringing us documents. I manage all the documents up front, and make sure that contractors/ couriers sign out for what they pick up, and keep track of it all electronically as well. I sheet list, and do the planholders lists. (Yes, I realize you might not understand all that, but I'm just saying what I do). And yeah, it's not the most important job ever, but I do value it, and I do my best every day!

Now, I realize that most people could easily knock off several I.Q. points and assume I don't have a brain in my skull since I sit up front, because after all - I must be stupid, since I'm a receptionist.

But, contrary to that belief, I would like to think I have enough brains to know what I'm doing. If I don't, I ask. I'm not above being humble, ever.

Yesterday, someone came in and had 2 sets of documents to be posted to their website that my company manages. This guy, who has never seen me before, had the audacity to assume I was a moron.

"Now, you know where this goes, don't you honey?" I realize I can't convey tone, but he was patting his documents and tilting his head to the side and speaking as if I were 3.

Since those who are reading this blog know me, the worst thing you can do to me is belittle and patronize me.

All I said was, "Yeah. I'll take care of it. Thanks."

Turns out, my boss heard the whole thing. I know she tells me all the time that most people will assume women know nothing about the construction industry - and I'm no feminist - but it still cut deep. I don't care who you are, what you do or whom you're speaking to: Keep your assumptions to yourself!

In conclusion, you're barking up the wrong tree if you're going to walk up to anyone, and patronize them. If anything, assume they've been put there for a reason. Additionally, you are welcome to visit the complaint department if you have a problem with this approach.

It's a mile outside of the radius of wherever I am.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My dream....

Well, for the last few days I've not had an alarm set on my phone. Partially because I wake up at the same time every day regardless of what rings or if I have commitments. This morning, however, I woke up at 5:30 like usual, and decided to let myself sleep a little longer.

I had the strangest dream.

It started with me, at a fair or carnival or something. I was getting beat up by a kid that was twice my size.He cussed at me, and kept hurting me everywhere I went. So then I walked around this track, and there were buses everywhere. Apparently, it was my first day of school, and I was in junior high again.

My dad was there, and some of my friends from MJHS. Dad was apparently teaching again, and I'm a little confused about what happened, but essentially, I had to get on a bus to drive 10 feet to the school and stop. Then, I was suddenly in the band room, helping my dad out on piano for the jazz band. I'd forgotten I needed to be in class, and I didn't have a backpack, a schedule, or anything I needed.

I started panicking, ran all the way back to the bus which was now about a mile away. I got there, realized my stuff was in my dad's car (somehow), ran back to the band room, got the keys, DROVE the car back to the school - since it was parked 2 blocks away, go figure - and then I woke up.

I better make sure I'm ready for the first day of school this quarter!