Sunday, August 17, 2014

10 Minutes Looking Up

Last week at work, I was really bad about taking my lunch breaks. As far as eating at my desk goes (even if I'm not doing work stuff), I'm a repeat offender. :(

I like the idea that I'm busy at work - actually, I love it! But I really need to be more contentious and take a walk to eat somewhere other than my desk. There's just something about getting away from work (literally) for a little while!

One day, I decided to walk out to the new picnic table (at the edge of campus, next to the Golf Course) to take one of my breaks. I had my book and my phone with me, but instead decided to sprawl out (as much as one can, being that the picnic table and benches are circular!) The sun was not at it's high (it was about 3:00pm), and I just looked at the clouds, the trees, the birds - anything but campus, my computer screen, etc.

Here are some pictures I snapped, as I spent my break just looking up:

When you only see what you want to see....
...instead of really looking at an object for all it has
to offer

Okay, so this isn't up; it's out, but it still was

Blue skies!

I've decided that I need to spent 10 minutes looking up, at least once a week! I went back to my office refreshed and feeling rested - even after such a short period of time!

In other news, Elizabeth has discovered how to take selfies on my phone... sigh. I thought we had another 10-15 years before this! And she is generally not allowed to just play with my phone. Nor do I teach her how to use it, or make a habit out of using it myself (except to take her pictures or FaceTime Grampy) when I'm with her. This is literally at least a 4-button sequence, and she nailed it. Enjoy the following selfies I found when I was looking for something else the other day....

Hope you enjoyed those as much as Robert and I did! We definitely got a good laugh when we were discussing the pictures, and neither of us knew how she'd taken the pictures! Lol!

Next week returns to "normal" at work for me, except for our annual retreat. But the big conference is over, and I get my sleep back next weekend - yay! It was a phenomenal conference, and I had standing room only in my second workshop! I received great feedback on it, and my co-worker, Dan (who volunteered to preview my content before I actually got up in front of other professionals to teach on it), even gave me a hug and said he was proud of me when the conference was over! That meant a lot to me, because I know it's high praise! Many people asked questions and all were involved in the discussion, I got a few laughs and a lot of nods, and even saw people taking notes! This was so encouraging to me, as I've never taught professional development before. Maybe I'll get a chance to do it again!

I got to meet and talk to Ciscoe Morris! He was our
keynote speaker for the conference, and sat
next to me in the large group session! Ahh!!

As we speak, I'm listening for my jars of applesauce and blueberry jam to seal up on the counter. They are my last 2 entries for the Evergreen State Fair this year, and they are being dropped off tomorrow by Robert's co-worker and friend, Emily. I'm starting my day at East County Campus on Tuesday for the annual retreat, so this would be 4 trips to Monroe in 2 weeks for me, and since Em lives there, she agreed to drop off my canning entries. Yep, she's getting a Starbucks card! So grateful I don't have to do that drive in rush hour traffic tomorrow - yuck! My 1940s child's lawnchair restoration project was dropped off last weekend, as was my photography. I don't expect to place in anything, but am always excited to share my projects with others, and glean from judging and peer projects! If you've never entered anything in the fair, I encourage you to think about it and do it next year! Or, if you have any walk-up entries for canning/ food preservation, you can bring them tomorrow! Just make sure you read up on all the rules here.

It's already 11:30pm. Time for bed!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Errand Day!

Today was my errand day!

7 errands. It took 2 1/2 hours! But everything got done. Now I just have to make it to Friday so I can rest!

Grandpa Freeman came over to play with Ellie Jo, so I could get everything done in peace. I love taking her with me, but sometimes it's really nice to have a grandparent watch her so I can get everything done quickly. 

He wears her out, lol! (This was taken the other day).

One of my errands was taking Ellie Jo's baby swing to Auntie Karen's for baby Jamie.

It didn't take her long to figure out the lights!

She loved it. :) And I was happy to have it out of our house, because we're not using it right now. Thank goodness for sweet foster babies!

Another errand was picking up a Disney Princess Kitchen from some friends for Ellie Jo. Their granddaughter had outgrown it, and it's perfect for our little princess!

She LOVES it! Thank you, Olivia!

She played with it immediately after naptime and I hadn't even pointed it out! :)

Today was a productive day, as I got all my errands done, and even hosted the Titus 2 girls tonight. We only have one more meeting scheduled for summer. We've already got a service ministry lined up for Fall - soup kitchen! They are all so excited.

I'm hoping I can fall asleep quickly tonight, because I have a super long day of conference stuff tomorrow at work. I'll be there from 6:45am until after 9pm, including the banquet. Whew! Going to need lots of coffee for sure. Marathon day, I hope you go quickly, lol!

I've had some people ask why I haven't blogged much this summer. I didn't really mean to, but we've been so busy, and I haven't had time. I'm going to try to be better about it now that summer is winding down. We have so much to share!