Saturday, November 17, 2012

Weekend Ambitions and a Brief Update

Well, back the drawing board with me and colds!

This week, I spent my time working and sleeping. Period. I had pretty much no energy at all until yesterday, and really didn't do very much (except make this awesome new Christmas Bible cover!)

I think it's my best one yet. :) It was really nice not to have to embroider by hand anything on it, since it says, "Let it snow" all over the place! I did it really simple, and the inside is just a dark crimson backing, the "button hole" slits are sealed with the same color of crimson thread, and then the tie is a forest green. I ended up having to do my closing seams (top and bottom on both the front and the back) on the outside, because I was trying to narrow how much extra fabric I had from the beginning (cutting) stages, but I cut too close. So flipping it inside-out and doing a "hidden" stitch and flipping it right-side-in again was not an option. Oh well. I still think it looks amazing! I just used a very light yellow thread for the top and the crimson thread for the bobbin, and my seams are nearly perfect, so I'm happy!

After I made this, though, I was worn out. It only took a few hours (I'm such a perfectionist), but I was so tired. I wasn't coughing or sneezing anymore, but Robert still wanted me to lay down and "rest." (He always knows when I need to actually sleep, though, and I think this is just one of many characteristics that are going to make him a great dad!) I totally fell asleep within half an hour. But it was good that I got to rest!

The original plan was to go to my aunt's and put her Christmas lights up yesterday, but Robert got called in to work, so I went to my mom's after I woke up from my nap and got done with my violin lesson. I spent the evening up there because I didn't want to be home alone. So we'll try to get the lights done this afternoon.

This morning, we're just hanging out with the Trek kiddos at Bible Quizzing practice for another 45 minutes (there's only 2 of them; it's really easy today), and then we're going to try to get my aunt's lights up. Robert had a softball commissioner's meeting this morning at 7am in Arlington (I totally slept through him leaving and everything), so he's already kind of tired. It was a bittersweet meeting for him as he resigned his position as commissioner for the 2013 season. We'd talked and prayed on it, and decided that we've got just too much going on right now (especially with a new little baby on the way, to come right at the beginning of softball season), so he's resigned that position. It may not be forever, but it is a position that you get nominated and voted into by the entire league, so while we know it was a calling for a couple seasons, he's ready for a break.

The brief update on me is just that I'm trying to stay healthy and keep the baby healthy. I haven't had much of an appetite this week (probably because I couldn't taste much), but I did eat something after 6pm at my mom's last night - and it stayed down! Usually I cannot eat after 6pm because nothing stays down. But this was my first success! I'm definitely going to keep taking the anti-nausea medicine, though, because without it, I feel like I have the flu 24/7. The doctor said it's still his request that I take it every 6 hours, so that is what I'll do.

Tomorrow I have worship team duties, and I was asked to help at the Everett Philharmonic's young listener's concert. I'm not sure if I can do it, because I'm still really tired, but I'm going to call my dad today for more details.

That's all for now!

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