Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Steady Now

Well, things have been pretty relaxed around our house - if you don't count my constant sickness and lack of energy, lol!

I want to do so much around the house, but I really just can't. I literally come home from work and either nap, or lay down and rest on our bed. And you know what? I'm okay with it. For the first month or so of the pregnancy, the baby just had me a little tired, and I was frustrated that I just couldn't muster the energy to do stuff like vacuum and laundry twice a week. Now, it's commonplace for me to clean a toilet and call it good for the day, lol! Par for the course of being pregnant, and looking out for baby's health as well as my own.

That being said, a little update on health:

Robert had a nagging sore throat and cough for about a week, but thankfully he's better now. He is rarely ever sick, though, so my radar was up. As for the baby, he or she is healthy as can be, because mommy is so sick! :) Most of my sickness happens at night, but I'm still getting sick during the day, too. We're estimating that I'm keeping about 1/3 to maybe 1/2 of what I'm eating, which is actually an improvement, if ever so slight.

Tomorrow we go back to the doctor for our second OB appointment. We're hoping to get to hear the heartbeat! (We saw it at the last appointment, but we didn't get to hear it). I promise to blog about how the appointment goes!

For those who have asked, we won't get to find out the sex until mid-December, but we will be finding out for sure. We will not be posting right away, though, as family will be the first to know, on Christmas Day.

The prayer requests right now are as follows:

1) That I could start to feel better and not get sick all the time (or at all!)
2) That if I do get sick, I keep more down.
3) That the baby continues to grow and be healthy.
4) That Robert continues to have energy to help me around the house and with the shopping and stay healthy (he's been so great!)
5) That we'd take nothing for granted. We feel very blessed to have amazing healthcare, a nice house, great cars, and great jobs!

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