Sunday, November 25, 2012

15 Weeks

This is my 15-week picture! We took it on Thanksgiving (I know; I'm way behind on posting!) There's a real baby bump now! :)

During the 15th week, I could feel the baby moving around a little bit! (It felt like butterfly kisses.) So many people were telling me "there's no way" I'd be able to feel the baby already, but my doctor and the M.A. confirmed it, based on how I described it. There was even one morning that it woke me up because the flutters were tickling! (But I attribute that to my weird sleeping position). I helped my parents get their house all ready for company for Thanksgiving, and it got done hours earlier than usual! Win! I anticipate the dog, Sarge, being a little needy this week though, because last week he had my mom, Perry and me all home with him pretty much every day, lol.

I am not getting sick quite as much, but I still have not put on any weight. The doctor isn't too concerned, but because I'm still getting sick (none of anything I ate at Thanksgiving stayed down), I still have to use the anti-nausea medicine. I've been experimenting with it today, and decided to try not to take any. I found that if I take a little rest in the afternoon and drink at least 32 oz. of water, I'm less hungry and less likely to get sick. The bummer is that I didn't sleep well last night, and so I was tired all day. This really dragged me down and led to next to zero energy. I was in bed all day after church. I think that there is a need for me to sleep as much and as long as I can right now (don't judge; growing a human is difficult work!), so I'm going to purpose to have more down/ rest/ nap time every single day. I learned today that it really helped.

But the good news is, I'm about to go to sleep and have not been sick at all! I gagged a little bit, but I wasn't hungry at all today - all I ate was a breakfast sandwich and some cheese fries, and had a ton of water - but I'm okay now. So, that means today is my first day not being sick in over 2 months!

Yesterday I got a little emotional about how I was so sick on Thanksgiving, and then sick again yesterday. Robert was really supportive, and assured me that I was still doing really good. I think part of the problem is that I'm worried that I'm not doing my best for the baby, because I was "supposed" to have gained 5-8lbs. by now, and I lost over 25 in my first trimester. It's getting better, though, so that's encouraging!

This weekend I re-did our budget spreadsheets. Boy, was that a long task! But I got it done. Robert and I just achieved yet another financial goal (I think that's our 5th one in 2012!), and I am so excited to keep working on it! We are working on becoming debt-free, and that process has been refining and difficult, but rewarding. I showed everything to him tonight after some fine-tuning, and he was very pleased with everything I've done with our finances. But the budget really needed re-doing, because it's so hard for me to show him "at a glance" every week where we're at. This way, he can see everything at his fingertips! I plan on continuing it all the way through the year, and starting a new one (designed the same way) in 2013. Yay!

I've completed 50% of my goals for the month of November, as well, so I'm feeling really good about that! I intend to do our master-bedroom/ bathroom cleaning this week, depending on my energy and time.

This week is going to be a very busy week for me, so I'm going to try to be in bed before 11 every night. (Before 10 would be awesome!) Thankfully, my work is pretty flexible with my schedule, but I do my very best to come in before 9am.

I'm feeling much better about everything right now, from baby to finances to goals. :) We had a very nice, relaxing Thanksgiving, and a lot of fun hanging out with Robert's cousins and family and my cousins and family, although this may be the last year that we can do more than 1 family gathering (having a 6-month old might change how we do things next year!)

We decided that I can go ahead and work tax season at H&R Block again this year. I think this will be my 9th tax season, and I am so excited! I always look forward to it, and I'm so glad we decided that I could go back again. We are not sure about the 2014 tax season just yet, but my mom was really encouraging and said that she'd be glad to babysit nights/ weekends as needed so we could do it. (It's kind of a toss-up right now, because the baby isn't here yet, and we don't really depend on the income from H&R Block; it's just extra). As of right now, it doesn't look like Robert will be coming back for his second tax season this year, but we're not quite decided on that yet. Pretty much the only thing holding us back right now is his primary work schedule.

I'm thankful that we got 4 new tires on the Trailblazer last month, and we already got our $50 rebate from Discount Tires, too! I activated the card tonight, and we intend to use it for groceries or fuel.

This post wasn't really supposed to be this long, but a lot happened during this 15th week of pregnancy, lol!

Our next doctor's appointment is on Monday, Dec. 17th. We go in for our "big" ultrasound on Thursday, December 20th. We plan to keep the sex of the baby a secret until Christmas Day, when we'll tell the families. :) I have a feeling that it's a girl, but we would be THRILLED to have either a girl or a boy! We are just so excited to be parents, and starting our family.

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