Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sick - again

This post probably won't be what you think it will be.

I'm not only dealing with morning sickness (still, even at 14 weeks and 1 day!), but I've also got a cold. Blech!

The good news is that the morning sickness is subsiding ever so slightly. I'm still getting sick several times a day, but it's not quite as bad as it was in the previous 7 weeks, so I count that as a definite improvement! Don't get me wrong; being nauseous has not really ceased. But at the very least, I'm not losing weight at quite the rate I was before. (I am still down a little bit from where I was last week, though).

The bad news is that this cold that's making itself at home in my body (are you picturing the Mucinex commercial yet?) has been really debilitating. It started last Thursday as just a little cough, but progressively got worse throughout the weekend. My throat was really sore on Saturday & Sunday especially, and now it's graduated into more than just the coughing. I've also got a runny nose and no appetite. (Probably because nothing sounds good when you're sick). I made it through work today, and it's a short work week, as Monday was a paid holiday, but I'm just praying I can make it hour by hour through my work week.

It sounds silly, but I really have to push myself every 15 minutes, half hour and hour. As soon as I came home today, I hit the bed, and I wasn't out of it at all except to go to the bathroom - and that was 9 hours ago. I did find out that Robitussin DM and Vicks Vaporub are perfectly okay for me to use (per my OB nurse and doctor), so I started taking that today.

More than likely, I will not be going to Awana tomorrow night, because I don't want to get anyone else sick, or get exposed to anything that could potentially make this cold worse. This morning I woke up at 5:30 because I was unable to breathe through my nose, and I'd been coughing so bad that I kept Robert up through the night. :(

One thing is for sure - I do not take double-nostril breathing for granted.

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