Thursday, November 8, 2012

Baby Crombie's Heartbeat!

Hi everyone!

We had an appointment today. It went well! Everything checked out just fine, and although I've lost weight, I'm still okay. The baby is healthy and just fine. :)

I also got my flu shot, which I've never had, but it's highly recommended for pregnant women. I got the one that is not the live virus (so I won't get sick from it), and it's got no preservatives. Those were the two recommendations from the M.A., Cindy, so we decided to just do it right then and there.

We'll be changing the prenatals I'm taking as of tonight, though. The doctor said he's a little concerned that I get sick every night with them, so we're going to switch to something non-chewable (sounds backwards, I know!) I'll also be doubling my calcium intake, per the doctor's request. He even sampled one of my chewable calcium tablets that I had! He's so funny. We love our doctor! :)

I've created a little video so everyone can see and hear our little sweetheart! Enjoy!

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