Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Many firsts!

Today, Elizabeth had several firsts!

  • She blew back at me when I blew in her face
  • She started growling (not like a zombie like she usually does; more like a little bear!)
  • She waved goodbye to Kurt and Liam when they left after Liam's piano lesson
  • When I asked her to say, "please" in sign language, she not only signed it, but she said, "pa pa pa pa" which tells me that she is starting to understand (both ASL and English, haha!) 
Some people have cautioned us against sign language because it "retards her language development - and we don't want that, do we?" To quote one of my all-time favorite shows, "Definitely not! We want her fully tarded!" But honestly, we aren't concerned. She says "Dada," "Mama," "Nana," and "Nay" (no). She's working on "Yeah," and "please" (pa pa pa pa). We aren't concerned. We'll still be teaching her sign language :) 

She also cut her second tooth today, which amazed me, because she took two decent naps early in the day, and ate pretty good!

Here's a video of her showing off her dance moves during Liam's lesson:

 (I couldn't get a video of her clapping for Liam today, but she generally claps after he finishes his projects. It's adorable!)

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