Saturday, February 1, 2014

Angie's Family Wedding Shower

(Again, I am way behind on blogging!I'm so sorry it has taken me this long to post this stuff. These pics are from Saturday, 1/4).

Leah hosted a super fun Family Shower for Angie! Unfortunately, I had a really tired and clingy baby that evening. It was not easy to take pictures and hold her, even though she was also held by aunties and grandmas and cousins.

I tried to get a picture of every gift and the food spread, but that didn't really work out.

Anyway, here are the pictures that I managed to get!

Ellie Jo and her #1 Auntie helping prep the food

The spread


Shower games!

So much fun!

The fun continues with food and laughs

Hearing answers to the game

This was the point in the shower when Ellie Jo was
attached to Grandma. Sigh. Grandma did awesome,
hostessing and holding her, though!

So sweet

Hearing more answers

Ellie Jo helping Grandma tell what was next on
the agenda

"Right, Elizabeth?"

More games!

I won this one. It was the "What's In Your Purse"
game. I had a tea bag, a diaper, and a bunch of
other random stuff on the list - and ironically,
my purse was not over-full! #momlife

Comparing purse contents

More chatting

Ellie Jo & Mommy! We were totally matching in our
black & white polka dots :)

Cousin hugs

More goodies

Ellie Jo - center of everyone's attention

"Hi mommy!"

Sideways baby! lol. It's funny that Grandma is leaning
to her right while Ellie leans to her left!

Ready to open gifts!

Very pretty wrapping

"Trust me - it's something you need!"

And it was! Food Saver bags!

Taking a quick break :)

I told her if Todd gets out of line, that's her go-to ;)

She thinks he's perfect, though, and prefers to cook
with this! :)

Ellie Jo with Grandma, looking at all of the nice gifts

Great picture of Mikayla, Linda, Leah and Elizabeth!


Curtains! (We told her they could run around naked
now that they have those, hahahaha!)

Everyone really loved the shower, and getting
to see Angie. See all the smiles?

So fun watching each new gift be opened!

More pretty things


Auntie Lois was laughing, bringing Angie "the
2nd part" of that gift!

More scrubby things

Where is Angie?

There she is! Look at the cute sign!




More towels

Being blessed is hard work! :)

This is the only picture of this gift that will be
published on my blog, lol :) It's a secret

More awesome gifts

Towels - there can never be too many!

Listening to a story

Uncle Todd showed up with Grandpa! (Poor Uncle
Todd! He had no idea what he was walking into)

Angie introducing Todd

Auntie Barb greeting Todd :)

Karen greeting Todd

Great-Grandma and Todd

"These are my people, this is where I come from..."

Oh, the last gift....

"Is this what I think it is?"

Oh my...

And the tears started. A card hand-written by
Great-Grandma Faucett for Angie on her wedding
day. (Great-Grandma Faucett passed away about 7
years ago. She wrote this for Angie specifically
to be given with a particular gift, when she got married).

Special silverware from Great-Grandma Faucett

Grandma Byers had kept that card all these years,
and found it to wrap together with the present to
give to Angie!

I don't think there was a dry eye in the house

"Thank you, mom."

These last pictures are clearly not at the shower. They are at our house. Robert and his dad were working all evening on our bathroom (more demo). I begged and pleaded to get the stupid fluorescent lights replaced before our house-warming party, and Robert said he thought they could get the job done while Ellie and I were at the shower. 

Well, by the time we got home, Ellie was completely beside herself wanting to see Daddy. This is how I had to barter with her to keep her happy. 

Supervising Daddy & Grandpa
from the hallway

It looks dark, but there was definite

See those tubes? Those are what I
used for lighting to put my
makeup on in the morning. Blech!

I took this picture from Elizabeth's
nursery. She was literally giggling
and bouncing along, while Daddy &
Grandpa worked!

I asked her if she was ready for bed. She shrieked
so loudly that I took this picture and walked away.
She was fine for the next 30 minutes while they
continued to work!

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