Wednesday, February 5, 2014

9 Months Old

Elizabeth Johannah is 9 months old now!

Over the last month, she has learned....

  • How to make the "Ba" sound (I'm pretty sure she is trying to say "ball"!)
  • How to sit up from a laying down position (only when she wants to, though)
  • That she doesn't always get her way :) 
  • How to get to her hands and knees from a sitting position
  • How to grab daddy's hair and shove his head down when he holds her on the potty (it's hilarious!)
  • How to make "kissy" sounds! This is so adorable! 
Note: She still has not crawled. No desire. She COULD, but she won't. She is definitely making progress, though!
And much more, I'm sure I'm forgetting!

It is also evident that right now, she is most definitely a "daddy's girl." She never wants mommy anymore, except to nurse. I know that she's not doing it on purpose, and I do think it's adorable and sweet that she wants her daddy. But sometimes, I really do hurt over it. :( I don't want to just be her favorite for food. And selfish as it is, I feel like I'm the one at home with her most of the time, doing her laundry, changing her diapers and potty-training her, making her food, and taking care of her - so shouldn't this count for something? I know this sounds selfish, because it even does to me! I just want my baby to want me sometimes. I was really upset about it last night, and Robert tried to help by telling me that no one can make her giggle like I can. Which is true! I don't know, though. There's just something about my baby wanting me. 

Anyway, here are Ellie Jo's 9-month pictures!

"I got these feet, Mom!"

She is SO flexible! I think we'll
have to enroll her in baby gymnastics!

She sat up like that for the first time in her
bouncy seat!


"Grandpa? Um, I want to play now!"

"Oh. Solitary. I see."



Making her "Kissy" sound!

She really is SUCH a happy baby!

Shrieking (but you can't hear it)

"If I only look at Grandpa,
can we be done, please?"

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