Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What I Wasn't Planning On Doing Tonight

I haven't really been feeling 100% for the last several days. I keep waking up with a nasal/ throat discomfort. I think my body is fighting something off.

Anyway, today was the worst I've felt yet - without actually feeling "sick." No fever, and no coughing or anything, but just over-tired and having really tired muscles. But I had a lot to get done.

This was my plan:

  • Wake up at 5:30, do devotions (I actually got up at 7:15, because my throat felt so nasty at 5:30 that I turned off my phone when I shut off my alarm. I did not do devotions.)
  • Start work at 6:00am. (I started work at 7:15, when I woke up - today was a telecommuting day). 
  • Shower and get dressed at 8:30. (I showered and got dressed at 8:00, so that Robert could at least know that I was okay to be left alone with the baby - as in, not too sick or anything - before he left for work). 
  • Get baby up at 9:00, feed her breakfast, and get her dressed for KinderMusik. (This actually happened). 
  • Leave for KinderMusik at 9:40am. (We left at 9:48). 
  • Meet Dad at KinderMusik at 10:00am. (My dad was running late this morning. He arrived at 10:15). 
  • Leave from KinderMusik for work to go with my co-workers on my boss's celebrity walk (a "Wellness Team" thing) at 11:30. (I actually did this, and I even went to the Habitat for Humanity store before work!)
  • Do the walk, stay for the conference call with my co-worker at work and arrive back home by 2:30 so my dad could go home, since he agreed to watch Ellie Jo today. (The walk was great, we did the call early, I was home by 1:30). 
  • Make sure Dad got lunch, get some laundry done, pick up the house, get Awana stuff ready for tonight. (What actually happened was I got home, Dad had eaten, and Ellie was sleeping. So I took a nap. For an hour and a half.)
  • Teach Liam's piano lesson at 4:30, go to Awana at 5:45. (I texted Robert and said "Please come home ASAP after work. I need help. I'm exhausted, and Elizabeth needs food and is also tired.")

Thankfully, Liam showed up a few minutes early. Elizabeth took a 3 1/2 hour nap. Robert came straight home and found the baby and me in bed. He thought I should stay home and rest, but I said, "I have stuff to do. I need to be at Awana tonight."

My "stuff" didn't include what I actually did at Awana tonight. My "stuff" included my usual errands - checking in with the secretaries, making sure we had enough leaders in Trek, gathering handouts, turning in paperwork, preparing the Info Board in the Narthex for it's "makeover" this weekend, and watching over the 30+ kiddos in the Trek group, helping as-needed. My "stuff" didn't matter at all.

What mattered was a little girl. A little girl who needed me. Who needs God  in her life. Who needs to feel loved, like she matters. 

One of our leaders came to me during handbook time (about an hour into club), and said, "I think (the little girl) is cheating. I thought I saw her verse cards hidden in her shirt. I really don't want to be the one to address it. Can you please handle it? I also have other girls who need help."

I thought to myself, "You want me to help? I don't know how to handle it, either! I always had a fantastic group when I was a Trek leader! They never cheated!" (I am now a co-director with my husband. This is about our 8th or 9th year severing together in Trek). But I said, "Okay. Send her out to me. Tell her I want to work one-on-one with a clubber tonight. I'll take care of it." (I don't get to work one-on-one with the clubbers much as a Director). Now, this little girl is young, street-smart, and has seen a lot in her life. Her home life has never been easy. Needless to say, I wasn't looking forward to this at first. I have pretty much zero experience in dealing with street-smart kids who don't want to be at Awana, and tend to learn a lot from them every time I work with them. This was outside of my comfort zone.

The little girl came out. She looked a little confused, and I asked her to sit down with me. (Kelly, our awesome secretary was next to me, as was Elizabeth). I explained that I really wanted to work with a clubber tonight, and her leader had suggested that I work with this little girl, because she really wanted to finish her Oasis (review of 6-10 verses - it's a toughie).

She said okay, and we started practicing the first verse. When I asked her to recite, I let her finish (until she said, "I can't do it,") before I said, "What is that, (little girl's name)?"

She looked down, and quietly said, "I have a rash...." and started scratching under her collar bone.

I pointed to her collar and said, "No. What's that? The paper by your collar."

She looked down again, and whispered, "Nothing...."

I waited a minute before saying anything, giving her the opportunity to come clean. She didn't.

Let me say that at this point, I fully expected myself to become frustrated with her, tell her that lying was not acceptable, and that she was on a one-count, and then force her to work on her verses.

This is not what happened.

This is not what I planned.

Again, I gently spoke, and said, "(little girl's name), are you lying to me?"

She nodded, but kept her head down. I asked her to hand me the verse cards. She did, but I had to ask twice.

I said, "(little girl's name), why are your verse cards in your shirt?"

"I dunno. Because I need them."

"Why do you  need them?"

"Because otherwise I can't do my section tonight."

"Why can't you do your section without them? Without cheating?" (This was the first time I brought this word up, but I was still very gentle.)

"Because I can't."

"Who told you that you can't?"

"No one. I just know it."

I sighed, sat back, and said, "(little girl's name), I don't believe that. I know you can do this! I've seen you do this before! Can we try - you and me, together - to work on this section and these verses?"

She looked right at me, holding Ellie, and still concentrating on her and said, "But Miss Kimi, you have other stuff to do tonight."

No, I don't. Not anymore. THIS is my stuff.

"I want to work with you instead. Can I please work with you tonight, (little girl's name)? I don't get the opportunity to do this very often, and it's important to me that I help you with your Oasis tonight."

At that moment, I saw something happen in her face. Something uncomfortable. I can't place it. But I could tell that she knew that I really did care about her, and I really did want to work with her and help her. I did mention that I may have to ask her to wait a moment here or there so that I could deal with the baby or other Director's stuff, but she smiled and said that was fine.

I started by reading each and every verse with her. We took them apart, me asking her what this part or that part meant. When she couldn't tell me, I helped her learn. The conversation was barely above a whisper. I wanted to make sure she knew she was not in trouble. That she was my priority. 

After we talked through all the verses, I explained that we are supposed to memorize the verses so that we can hide God's word in our hearts. So He can work in and through us. So we can teach others to know, love and serve Him, too. I then said, "(little girl's name), do you understand why I don't want you to cheat? I don't want you to miss out on anything that God has for you. I want you to learn all you can about Him, soak in His word, and understand His ways!"

She started to cry.

I kept talking very gently, putting my hand on her knee to reassure her. I said, "(little girl's name), when you cheat with this, you are only cheating yourself. This isn't what God wants for you. He wants you to know and understand His word, so that you can serve Him and love Him, and then others will see Him through you!"

More tears.

I asked her if she was willing to keep working on these verses to finish her Oasis tonight. She nodded, and Kelly brought her a tissue to wipe her tears. I noticed when she wiped her eyes, there was some mascara that came off, and I just thought to myself, "this little girl is not even 13 years old yet, and she's wearing mascara. She's seen more in her life than I have. She needs me. I need her to be willing to do this, so that God can work through me for her." 

She said, "I'll do it, Miss Kimi."

I told her I was very glad, and that I knew she wanted to go to camp at the end of the year (she lit up when I mentioned camp), and we dug in.

For an hour, we practiced, we recited, and we celebrated each small victory.

In order to pass the Oasis section, the kids have to say all the verses in a row, including references, with no more than 2 helps.

She did it.

She passed her section.

We had to relocate to a quieter room when all the other kids came in, but she finished it. I said, "I knew you could do it, (little girl's name)! I knew it! You totally did it! I am SO PROUD of you!"

She smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen her have.

And during awards tonight, I made sure Kelly gave her the Oasis patch, and 2 pieces of candy, and then I mentioned her in front of everyone, giving her praise for her hard work tonight.

Her leader told me later that she thought maybe the little girl was feeling some pressure, because the rest of her group never had any problems doing their sections, and understood all of it. She's never seen the little girl cheat before, and said she felt strongly that it was just because she wanted to succeed.

Kelly told me after club that she was so impressed by how I handled everything, and that she really loved that I was so encouraging and gentle with the little girl.

I had to tell Kelly the truth: I didn't know I had it in me. I thought I would be angry, disappointed, furrow my brow and tell the little girl that cheaters were not what we wanted at Awana. 

Instead, I did something I didn't know I could do with her. I never thought I could, because I've never had the chance.

This wasn't what I was planning on doing tonight.

This was the best thing I could have done tonight.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Many firsts!

Today, Elizabeth had several firsts!

  • She blew back at me when I blew in her face
  • She started growling (not like a zombie like she usually does; more like a little bear!)
  • She waved goodbye to Kurt and Liam when they left after Liam's piano lesson
  • When I asked her to say, "please" in sign language, she not only signed it, but she said, "pa pa pa pa" which tells me that she is starting to understand (both ASL and English, haha!) 
Some people have cautioned us against sign language because it "retards her language development - and we don't want that, do we?" To quote one of my all-time favorite shows, "Definitely not! We want her fully tarded!" But honestly, we aren't concerned. She says "Dada," "Mama," "Nana," and "Nay" (no). She's working on "Yeah," and "please" (pa pa pa pa). We aren't concerned. We'll still be teaching her sign language :) 

She also cut her second tooth today, which amazed me, because she took two decent naps early in the day, and ate pretty good!

Here's a video of her showing off her dance moves during Liam's lesson:

 (I couldn't get a video of her clapping for Liam today, but she generally claps after he finishes his projects. It's adorable!)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pop Culture and Priorities

The above is a picture of what is, in my mind, nothing short of sad and pathetic. Someone idolizing another person is one thing (wrong). But someone idolizing a star and actually saying that they are "the source of their happiness," is just absolutely heartbreaking to me.

What has happened in our world that has turned America's younger generation into idolizing, pathetic fans? (I stopped short of adding "stalker-ish" here, but I feel like everyone has Twitter, Instagram and Facebook these days, and you can see for yourself and make your own judgments).

I'll tell you what: God. His absence. His banishment from schools, restaurants, and stores.

I'm so sick and tired of the retail industry banking on God, but not giving Him the credit. Example: Many stores put all of their faith in the "Christmas shopping season." Why? Because people will shop then. So they will (occasionally) use the word "Christmas" in their advertising - because they can make money off of it. This is why we don't support Black Friday as much as possible. (We did make some basic, needed purchases from Fred Meyer on Black Friday this year. But we purchased no gifts - therefore, we cannot be counted in true "Black Friday shopping" figures).

But this goes so much further and deeper.

For me, I'd rather read stories about God's glory being emulated through a construction manager and an extraordinary elderly woman. About a newborn being declared dead and shocking all human reason and doctor's logic and coming back to life. And of course, I'd rather read the Bible. (No link for the most important one, the last one? Intentional. Go grab your hard copy - you won't be sorry).

And I'd rather relish in the joy, delight, and heart-swelling love that is brought to me daily by my precious Elizabeth Johannah.

In our home, we do not allow Harry Potter books, witchcraft games, or anything related to Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus. Why? Because it's all the same - empty. That's not to say that we don't enjoy a good book (me; not Robert - unless it's a sports biography...and then all bets are off), or movie, or TV on DVD. We aren't perfect. But we've chosen specifically to withhold the things mentioned above (and some others) from our home because we feel the most strongly that they would hurt our child. We listen to secular music, we watch secular TV, and we let our daughter have exposure to a world bright and full of color, art, music and love. But we will not willingly and/ or knowingly let her have access to such emptiness, bleak and desperate attempts at fame, and completely worthless worldly fortune.

We're also realists. We know our daughter will one day ask to watch a movie we don't approve of for her. We know she'll have a crush. We know she'll get hurt. We know she'll lie. But we will not blame it on "oh, she's a typical little girl," because that will turn into "oh, she's a typical teenage girl," and that will turn into "oh, she's a typical, worldly, pathetic, empty, destined-for-a-life-of-sadness young woman who is desperate for attention because we didn't pay enough to her when she was growing up."

Let me tell all of my readers this: My daughter can watch Duck Dynasty, 19 Kids & Counting, The United Bates of America, Little People Big World, Sesame Street, Berenstein Bears, Elmo, and pretty much anything else on Sprout that she wants. You know why? These shows aren't just entertainment. A lot of them are Christians who refuse to hide their faith from reality TV cameras! There are even other shows on our list that we (Robert and I) watch that have similar themes, but totally different convictions than we have - and we think that's healthy. For us. Elizabeth won't be old enough to know and discern the differences for years. I want her to be a strong Proverbs 31 woman (you know, the one I still try to be?)

The bottom line here is that we refuse to let bad media, desperate "stars" and Hollywood ruin our baby's innocence. We want her to have a firm foundation in the Lord, have an appreciation for music and the arts, be a productive woman, and never settle for "just enough."


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

9 Months Old

Elizabeth Johannah is 9 months old now!

Over the last month, she has learned....

  • How to make the "Ba" sound (I'm pretty sure she is trying to say "ball"!)
  • How to sit up from a laying down position (only when she wants to, though)
  • That she doesn't always get her way :) 
  • How to get to her hands and knees from a sitting position
  • How to grab daddy's hair and shove his head down when he holds her on the potty (it's hilarious!)
  • How to make "kissy" sounds! This is so adorable! 
Note: She still has not crawled. No desire. She COULD, but she won't. She is definitely making progress, though!
And much more, I'm sure I'm forgetting!

It is also evident that right now, she is most definitely a "daddy's girl." She never wants mommy anymore, except to nurse. I know that she's not doing it on purpose, and I do think it's adorable and sweet that she wants her daddy. But sometimes, I really do hurt over it. :( I don't want to just be her favorite for food. And selfish as it is, I feel like I'm the one at home with her most of the time, doing her laundry, changing her diapers and potty-training her, making her food, and taking care of her - so shouldn't this count for something? I know this sounds selfish, because it even does to me! I just want my baby to want me sometimes. I was really upset about it last night, and Robert tried to help by telling me that no one can make her giggle like I can. Which is true! I don't know, though. There's just something about my baby wanting me. 

Anyway, here are Ellie Jo's 9-month pictures!

"I got these feet, Mom!"

She is SO flexible! I think we'll
have to enroll her in baby gymnastics!

She sat up like that for the first time in her
bouncy seat!


"Grandpa? Um, I want to play now!"

"Oh. Solitary. I see."



Making her "Kissy" sound!

She really is SUCH a happy baby!

Shrieking (but you can't hear it)

"If I only look at Grandpa,
can we be done, please?"

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Tradition Continues (Her Collection Begins)

Well, a few weeks ago, Robert and I went to Half Price Books when my parents were watching Ellie Jo.

We didn't find much for ourselves, but we did find quite a bit for Elizabeth!

We started her American Girl Collection!! AHH! We only bought her the books that looked brand new or like new. I have about 8-10 American Girl books of my own, but I was never fortunate enough to own one of the dolls. (I think I was too busy playing soccer and softball by the time American Girl was popular).

Anyway, here are the ones we bought her! (I think this list will grow over time, and Grandmas will want to refer to this post to see what she has, lol!) We don't currently have anyone else's hand-me-down American Girl Books, so we're officially starting her collection with my old books, and these!

Meet Kaya

Felicity Saves the Day

Very Funny, Elizabeth! (We HAD to buy her this!)

Meet Marie-Grace

Meet Addy

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Angie's Family Wedding Shower

(Again, I am way behind on blogging!I'm so sorry it has taken me this long to post this stuff. These pics are from Saturday, 1/4).

Leah hosted a super fun Family Shower for Angie! Unfortunately, I had a really tired and clingy baby that evening. It was not easy to take pictures and hold her, even though she was also held by aunties and grandmas and cousins.

I tried to get a picture of every gift and the food spread, but that didn't really work out.

Anyway, here are the pictures that I managed to get!

Ellie Jo and her #1 Auntie helping prep the food

The spread


Shower games!

So much fun!

The fun continues with food and laughs

Hearing answers to the game

This was the point in the shower when Ellie Jo was
attached to Grandma. Sigh. Grandma did awesome,
hostessing and holding her, though!

So sweet

Hearing more answers

Ellie Jo helping Grandma tell what was next on
the agenda

"Right, Elizabeth?"

More games!

I won this one. It was the "What's In Your Purse"
game. I had a tea bag, a diaper, and a bunch of
other random stuff on the list - and ironically,
my purse was not over-full! #momlife

Comparing purse contents

More chatting

Ellie Jo & Mommy! We were totally matching in our
black & white polka dots :)

Cousin hugs

More goodies

Ellie Jo - center of everyone's attention

"Hi mommy!"

Sideways baby! lol. It's funny that Grandma is leaning
to her right while Ellie leans to her left!

Ready to open gifts!

Very pretty wrapping

"Trust me - it's something you need!"

And it was! Food Saver bags!

Taking a quick break :)

I told her if Todd gets out of line, that's her go-to ;)

She thinks he's perfect, though, and prefers to cook
with this! :)

Ellie Jo with Grandma, looking at all of the nice gifts

Great picture of Mikayla, Linda, Leah and Elizabeth!


Curtains! (We told her they could run around naked
now that they have those, hahahaha!)

Everyone really loved the shower, and getting
to see Angie. See all the smiles?

So fun watching each new gift be opened!

More pretty things


Auntie Lois was laughing, bringing Angie "the
2nd part" of that gift!

More scrubby things

Where is Angie?

There she is! Look at the cute sign!




More towels

Being blessed is hard work! :)

This is the only picture of this gift that will be
published on my blog, lol :) It's a secret

More awesome gifts

Towels - there can never be too many!

Listening to a story

Uncle Todd showed up with Grandpa! (Poor Uncle
Todd! He had no idea what he was walking into)

Angie introducing Todd

Auntie Barb greeting Todd :)

Karen greeting Todd

Great-Grandma and Todd

"These are my people, this is where I come from..."

Oh, the last gift....

"Is this what I think it is?"

Oh my...

And the tears started. A card hand-written by
Great-Grandma Faucett for Angie on her wedding
day. (Great-Grandma Faucett passed away about 7
years ago. She wrote this for Angie specifically
to be given with a particular gift, when she got married).

Special silverware from Great-Grandma Faucett

Grandma Byers had kept that card all these years,
and found it to wrap together with the present to
give to Angie!

I don't think there was a dry eye in the house

"Thank you, mom."

These last pictures are clearly not at the shower. They are at our house. Robert and his dad were working all evening on our bathroom (more demo). I begged and pleaded to get the stupid fluorescent lights replaced before our house-warming party, and Robert said he thought they could get the job done while Ellie and I were at the shower. 

Well, by the time we got home, Ellie was completely beside herself wanting to see Daddy. This is how I had to barter with her to keep her happy. 

Supervising Daddy & Grandpa
from the hallway

It looks dark, but there was definite

See those tubes? Those are what I
used for lighting to put my
makeup on in the morning. Blech!

I took this picture from Elizabeth's
nursery. She was literally giggling
and bouncing along, while Daddy &
Grandpa worked!

I asked her if she was ready for bed. She shrieked
so loudly that I took this picture and walked away.
She was fine for the next 30 minutes while they
continued to work!