Friday, September 2, 2011

September goals!

August completely got away from me.

Between returning to work part-time to Robert's sometimes crazy work schedule, I have been constantly worn out. Admittedly, I could have done way better. I know that I made conscious choices to procrastinate, and it kind of hurts to say that so candidly. But it's the truth.

In addition to all the work stuff we had going on, we did 40 hours of Peace Makers training at our church over two weekends, immediately followed by helping move Grandma Crombie into her new cottage on Aunt Kathy & Uncle Kelly's property (I promise to post pictures as soon as she gets settled - it led me to tell Uncle Kelly 3 times that he is going to be the GC on our first custom home!), and Awana getting started.

Basically, we've been on the go all month long. It's been fun, exhausting, and exciting all at once. But I am more than ready to start fresh in September.

Here's the meat and potatoes of my post, before I talk a bit more about September:

Keep up with Sunday School class material - epic failure. With all the Peace Makers stuff, I was way too busy to even attend Sunday School, let alone keep up with it. I intend to get caught up, though!
Keep up with Bible Studies - definitely a success! I kind of started to spread out the reading/ bookwork for all of these throughout the week, and not only was it more enjoyable, but it was way less regimented. This will continue!
Help Klaudia & Fran at Awana (in addition to my Director responsibilities) - Success! I did all the Sunday School attendance schedules, Sparky book schedules and a few other little tasks for them, and I did it with a smile on my face. :) 
Keep up with cleaning days - fail. 
Stay on-task with FlyLady - epic fail. 
Read book of Proverbs every day (the chapter which corresponds to the day) - I didn't even start this yet!Make bed daily - that was way too hard with Robert's schedule and my returning to work. It didn't get done more than 5 times, I'm sure. 
Organize one "thing" or "area" per day - Not so much.
Sell 2 loaves of bread on Etsy - there were 0 bread sales in the month of August, despite my promos. 
Keep reading daily - We'll call this a success. Blogs and news and websites count, right? :) Organize coupon cataloging curriculum to teach it to the ladies at church in the Women's Ministry - Not a failure, but it hasn't been done yet. 

September goals: 

3 Skype coffee dates w/ Tiff
Accountability buddies starting up again w/ Tiff
Read book of Proverbs every day, tie in Psalms to finish both in a month
Get Bible Quizzing materials started
Bed made daily; regardless of what time
Sell more on eBay than 3 items
Organize garage w/ Robert
Start working on Christmas gifts
Stronger commitment to Women's Ministry
Less time on computer in living room; more in office
Pick out new desktop, shop w/ dad, PURCHASE

So, yes, all the goal failures this summer will be a work-in-progress this fall. I just think it's more important to focus on moving forward than being held back by the old goals. 

Last week I attempted to order my new day planner for 2011-2012 from UW Bookstore. I don't know what was going on, but I've always gotten free shipping on it (even post-grad), and for some reason, they wouldn't do that for me this year. I got frustrated, and decided to make my own. Thanks to my friend Kristin, and some brain-child ideas of my own, I'm currently working on getting it all together with some extras like meal planning sheets, shopping lists and charts, budget pages, etc. 

As I go into September, I'm going to purpose to have each day be a fresh start. In August, I let myself be discouraged every day when I didn't get things done, and I gave up day by day and week by week. NO more. 

Thanks for reading and keeping me accountable. 

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