Friday, March 14, 2014

10 Months Old

I cannot even believe I'm posting this blog! My sweet little baby girl is 10 months old already?! Where has time gone?!

Truly, it's amazing to us how much she is growing and changing. Every time we take her to my work, my boss and my co-workers comment on how big she is getting, and how light her hair is! This last Wednesday, my dad and I took her in after KinderMusik to do Katie's Celebrity Walk (I'm part of my campus' Wellness Team, and there's a "Celebrity" walker each week who leads a lunchtime walk around the campus area). My boss walked up to Ellie, and said, "Well, hello there, little one! You are just adorable! I can't believe how big you are getting!" Of course Ellie scrunched up her little nose and did that breathing in and out super fast thing, and daintily picked up a puff from her tray. My boss said, "Oh, puffs. I'm very familiar with puffs!" (She has a two-year-old grandson, who just became a big brother this week). Ellie grinned. She said, "Precocious little thing, aren't you?" Ellie responded, "EEEEEEE!" Yup; she's definitely a smartey-pants!

Without further ado, here are some notables from Ellie Jo's 10th month!

  • Sings when we sing the "la la" theme song from Gilmore Girls, and loves to listen to Liam and Alexis' piano lessons (Check out this video!) 

  • Officially likes Sesame Street (it's seriously been a tie between that and Duck Dynasty), and recognizes the Sprout theme song when it comes on TV (although she started doing that about 2 months ago, now she literally stops what she's doing to watch TV when she hears it)
  • Has said "Gah-Pah" (Grandpa) a few times for my dad and Robert's Dad! She has also said, "TA!" for my stepdad, but she (of course) does none of this on command
  • Reaches for her puffs, and never misses. She sometimes misses her mouth, but always wants to find that missing puff! In fact, if I pick her up out of her Bumbo seat and she's dropped one, I have to find it and show her that I'm throwing it in the garbage and say, "All done," before she will quit fighting me to get out of my arms (is it too early to see signs of OCD in my baby?!)
  • Has started pulling herself up on furniture (but still has zero interest in crawling). My mom and I were trying to get her to crawl the other day, and she put her hands and feet down, but absolutely refused to put her knees down!
  • Stops what she's doing if I snap my fingers (smart girl - this will come in handy later!)
  • Likes to FaceTime Grandpa and Skype Nana or Grandma during bathtime (and accidentally Skyped Paul and Daniel in the same night once without mommy knowing! Again - SMART GIRL! They both called back immediately - Daniel, being in Mexico - just to make sure everything was okay. Oh, sure. Just fine. My toddler decided to call around the world!)
  • Can start motioning "Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee" and typically does it several times! 

Yup; she did it during our picture session!
And, here are her 10-month pictures! (I realize I'm posting this nearly 10 days late, but the actual pictures were taken on her 10-month "birthday.")

This first one is just for comparison sake for
her 1-month pictures - see the very next photo!

Look how much she has grown!! She is in the
same bouncy seat! (Also, the onesie she's wearing
in this picture is a NB size!) She was so tiny for
so long - look at what a big girl she is now!

She still bites her feet. Even with two teeth.

Folding hands, looking innocent.

Giggling at Daddy!

She was trying to remove her 10 months sticker.

This is fun, mommy!

She is such a happy girl!

She was pretty okay with pictures, as long as
we played her music on my laptop!

This is her, looking at my laptop, doing the splits. 

So, that's 10 months, in a nutshell! We just love this little girl to pieces!


Michal said...

You are going to love having all these details recorded later!!

Unknown said...

I agree! I don't have a "Baby Book" for her, but this is perfect - archived forever!

Michal said...

Yes, I love going back and looking at mine! It really helped when I did put a baby book together. I want to figure out how to turn my blog into a book!

Sue said...

Shane says, I guess we have to twist our heads to see this video! LOL