Friday, March 14, 2014

DIY House number

So, this was a project that had been on-going since September. Literally.

I saw an option to DIY house numbers from this Pinterest idea. It was inexpensive, easy, and it's beautiful!

We changed that original idea a little bit, to suit my plan (and where I wanted to hang it.)

Basically, I had a bunch of extra painting sticks that I had gotten from Home Depot. (That tends to happen when you go through about 20 gallons of paint to fix up your house!) We also had a little extra stain from the hardwood floors. I started staining the wood (4 pieces, cut in half), and finished over the course of about 2 weeks total. It was important to me to get a very dark stain on the wood, so I took the extra time to make sure it was done right.

Robert cut it for me, and made sure he knew how I wanted the numbers laid out.

After all the staining was done, I had him glue the wood together.

Again, it's slightly different than the original idea.

After the wood was glued and set, he was able to screw the numbers in securely!

He secured the boards on the house, and voila!

As you can see, it goes nicely with our lamp right outside the front door! We spent about $15-$20 on this project, since we used all leftover materials, except the numbers themselves. We're very pleased with how it turned out! (Also, none of my pictures are edited at all in this post!)

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