Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My heart goes out to her family...

So I don't know if any of you follow local news stories at all.

One that caught my attention early in 2007 was about a young girl, 16 years old. She told her parents she was going to a sleepover on New Year's Eve. They never imagined her life would end before they'd see her again.

She was given drugs and ended up suffering in horrible pain and seizure. She begged her friends for help, her mother, to call 911, but no one did anything. She died that night.

The person that was responsible for all that, one of her so-called "friends," was only sentenced to 2 years in juvenile detention. She's 19.

I cannot imagine what the 16 year old's parents are going through. But I just read this morning about the sentencing, and I can't help but feel for them.

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