Monday, January 27, 2014

8 Months

So late with this post...

BUT...I did take the pictures on the 5th of January! So I think that counts for something! :)

Elizabeth Johannah is 8 months old now! In the past month, she has learned how to:

  • Go potty in the big potty
  • Sign "potty," "milk" and "more"
  • Say, "Dada"
  • Delay bedtime by snuggling Mommy & Daddy very sweetly, peeing right after she's got a fresh diaper on, or my personal favorite - screaming like a banshee when we lay her down in her crib.
She's really had a busy 8th month! 

Hi Mom!


I wiggle my feet, mom!



I love this one! Happy, chubby little legs!

She loves those feet!

"'rehappyandyouknowitclapyourhands!" She likes it when we sing it smashed together and fast!

Hi Daddy!

Haha! That's funny, Daddy!

Yes, mom?

Belly laughing :)

Silly face!

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