Friday, February 8, 2013

Glucose Test/ Update on My Dog

Today I went to my monthly OB/ GYN appointment. Robert had the morning off, and went with me. He has been able to be at all of my appointments so far - I'm so thankful for this!

This morning's appointment was a little different, as I was with an ARNP instead of my regular doctor. It was just fine with us, because I know that she knows her stuff, too!

She was super nice, and was very patient with all of our questions.

Probably the worst part of the appointment was the weight part (like always). I'm losing weight again. Not much; it's hardly noticeable. But I'm certainly not gaining. The nurse asked me if I was purposely trying to not gain any weight. I was a little surprised, and then I realized that it's probably happened before. So, it was explained to her that I just really can't keep a whole lot down - mostly at night. She said she understood, and said to just try really hard to get more calories into me. I feel like I'm already trying really hard, though, so I was really disappointed.

The rest of the time we were there got better, though. We got a bunch of questions answered, and although it was a slightly longer appointment than usual, because the ARNP had to get acquainted with me and my chart and stuff. My blood pressure was great, and we'll find out more about my other blood tests (such as finding out whether I'm anemic or anything) in a week or so.

We went across to the lab at the hospital right after my appointment, as I decided to go ahead and get my glucose test out of the way today.

I just want to go on record and say that the orange drink they make you consume is so nasty. It reminded me of flat orange pop. Since I don't like pop...or orange pop....or flat orange was so gross!

We waited an hour like you're supposed to, and then I had a blood draw. It was really rough. The lab tech had a problem finding my vein (even though I was well-hydrated), and my arm still hurts after having the blood drawn.

But the good news is that I got my test results and I definitely don't have gestational diabetes! I never thought I did, and my doctor said he'd be shocked if I did. I did fast for 16 hours prior to the test, because I really didn't want to get a false-positive. Thankfully, I am well within the normal range!

I had to work tonight, and then I went to Costco for my mom. I took her up the laundry soap I brought for her, and got to snuggle with my dog. He has some good news himself today - he does not have cancer! The tumor they removed from his left ear was benign. Yay!

Here's Sarge, trying to keep me at my mom's so I wouldn't go home:

He decided that he just couldn't snuggle close enough after awhile, and he preferred to "hold" the baby. He wouldn't let my mom feel my tummy without much sighing and rolling around. I think Sarge thinks Elizabeth is his baby! LOL!

Anyway, Bryce is over now watching comedy with Robert. I'm exhausted so I'm going to bed!

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