Monday, February 2, 2009

God is good!

As most of you know, I am now working full-time.

Let me clarify...

My day job, at BXWA in North Everett, is allowing me to work whatever hours I can between 7am and 5pm (open & close of business at our work), Monday-Friday. That basically means that if I'm not at school, I'm there. My nights/ weekends job at H & R Block in Smokey Point is having me work Friday-Tuesday. (I don't work Wednesday & Thursdays because we have AWANA at church on those nights).

So, I just completed a 47-hour work week last week. I also squeezed in a dentist appointment and working from home, too. It was busy, but I never lost sleep (I get a minimum of 8 hours a night), and I'm feeling pretty good. My body is tired, but I'm not sick, and I feel like this is finally starting to look good for me.

I had kind of a depressing Saturday at work, and I called my dad to get a little perspective. I felt like I was just spinning my wheels. Almost like working all those hours was worth nothing.

But I've since dropped the "pity me" attitude, which is lame and unproductive, neither of which I wish to be. I'm just saving up money and trying to pay off my car.

So YAY! Things are going really well, and I hope that it continues this way. Please pray that it does.

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