Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Attitude Adjustment

So, we had a business meeting at church on Sunday night. During that meeting, Grandpa Crombie was talking about how he was working at a jobsite years ago, and something he noticed ended up being something he never forgot.

He was talking to one of the workmen there, and asked why there was a screw sticking halfway out of a post on some days, and other days it was all the way in. Additionally, he wanted to know why some guys came and gave it half a turn and then walked away. It seemed to have no purpose.

Little did he know....

The man told him that it wasn't without purpose; it was an attitude adjustment! Every time one of the guys had a problem, they went up and gave it half a turn, or a whole turn, or whatever they needed to adjust their attitude visibly. Then, when it got screwed in all the way, they'd turn it half way until it was all the way out again, and start all over. Grandpa Crombie said it was one of the best crews he's ever worked with.

Just something to think about. :)

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