Ellie Jo 10 days old! |
Today, Auntie Ashley came over to help me take her to the doctor (mostly so I didn't have to lift her carseat), and daddy was even able to take an extended lunch break and meet us at the doctor's appointment!
The doctor said that Ellie Jo is now 6lbs., 8.5oz, still 19" long, and she's healthy! :)
After many, many opinions (medical professionals) being given to us regarding her feedings, I presented the information about our baby and her feedings to the doctor today. The doctor advised me to do what I'd been doing before 3 different nurses and 2 lactation "specialists" told me that I was basically starving my daughter: feed her on-demand, don't let her go longer than 3 hours during the day time without a feeding. Period.
That's pretty much been how I was doing things since Elizabeth was born. But I got worried that she might not be gaining weight like she should, because she's so tiny. So I called a lactation specialist at the hospital, and a nurse at the pediatrician's office. Those were the worst ideas ever. Period. Not only did they each give conflicting and condescending information, but neither really let me get a word in edgewise, and between those opinions and the ones I'd already been given - I was just totally confused.
I want to do what's best for my baby. I don't care if it inconveniences me, as long as it benefits her. But all these people claiming to be "experts" and yet none of them considering my baby's size and needs and all giving differing opinions - it was just too much. I slept exactly 1 hour on Monday night because my poor baby was spitting up and vomiting like crazy. She never does that. Not only that, but she simply couldn't sleep, since I'd been told to feed her every hour and a half by yet another "specialist."
Once Tuesday was nearly over, I just looked at Robert and said, "Forget it. I'm doing what I feel is best." He agreed. We told the doctor that, and she said, "Good for you guys! You know your baby best. In fact, why don't you see if you can let her sleep 4-5 hours at night? Do you think she would?" We definitely do, so I said, "Sure, why not try it?"
I realize not everyone will agree with this, but that's okay. This is what we're trying for our baby. I know that she'll let me know if she needs to eat. She's pretty good about that, lol.
Also, we did a test-run on a bottle feeding (from mommy) last week. Ellie Jo not only drank it like a champ, but she pulled the bottle in closer to her mouth with her left hand! Silly girl. The doctor said that was GREAT, and she's glad to hear the baby can do it. She made sure Ellie Jo did okay with nursing after that, and I confirmed it absolutely. So now we're kind of taking cues from the baby to let us know how and when to transition a little more to some more frequent bottle feedings (no formula; only breast milk). And the doctor said to just roll with that.
Last night, she took 2.5oz. from Robert (mommy really needed to sleep; 48 hours awake and 1 hour of rest was not cutting it!) She burped and pooped twice (sorry, daddy!) So the doctor also said that was wonderful news.
At the appointment, Elizabeth's umbilical cord came off when the doctor was examining her. We said, fantastic, haha. The doctor cleaned it all up and explained what she was doing to her belly button, and asked me if I felt comfortable giving Elizabeth an actual bath tomorrow. YES, MA'AM! She hates those sponge baths, poor thing.
All in all, I would say we had a really great appointment, and I feel so much better knowing that we're making the best decisions for our baby, and that she's definitely getting everything she needs from us.
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