Wednesday, January 30, 2013

25 Weeks! (And other random updates)

Here's me at 25 weeks pregnant! Robert made me stand on the mantle, lol.

Once this week at H&R Block, I was making small talk with a client, and she was asking if I was married, if I had kids, etc. I told her that yes, I'm married - and just about to celebrate 3 years with my husband - and that we're expecting our first daughter in May. She was absolutely shocked. She asked how many weeks along I was, and I told her, and she said, "No way! You don't even look pregnant!" I'm not sure whether that was complimentary or insulting - I suppose it's all in how I interpret it. On one hand, I like being able to wear my regular clothes still, and have the flexibility to wear my maternity clothes...but on the other hand, I feel like I should be showing more than I am! I know Elizabeth is happy and healthy, and I feel her moving more and more every day, but I'm a little concerned that I'm still getting sick all the time. I want my daughter to have the best of everything, and that includes nutrition. Here's to hoping I start getting sick less!

We haven't been great about keeping up on our weekly baby bump pictures. It seems like it's just been a back-burner project lately. Actually, everything has been a back-burner project lately. Robert was such an amazing husband and took care of putting all of the Christmas decorations away for me a few weeks back, and that was a big chore. We've also managed to get the common areas of the house picked up and somewhat reorganized again. There are some little projects we need to tackle, like a few cabinets needing help in the kitchen, wiping down the cabinets and counters, sewing the buttons I got at Hobby Lobby onto my pillow covers, etc. I'm looking forward to having some time to get to these soon!

I'm really loving being back at H&R Block again. It's nice to have a little extra money to tuck away, and I love helping all of our clients that come in. So far, I've done a good job of monitoring my rest and activity level, and while I'm home far less than I was, things are working out great. And we're almost one month into tax season! Robert complimented me several times this last week on how much I'm getting done, even with working both jobs right now. It feels amazing! I do take more naps during the week when I come home from work, but that's okay - naps are great!

I'm doing decently on my goals for the month - and perfectly on my Bible reading goals - and that feels better than most anything! I'm supposed to be working on the office this week, since Robert and I finished our master bedroom last week. I don't know if I can get everything done in the office in one week, but I'm sure I can get a solid start on it! I'm hoping to just get my desk sorted out. Anything more would be a bonus. I also got the church's newsletter all ready for printing and emailed it to the church office last night (and found all the copies in the Narthex tonight while we were there for Awana - yay!), and I also got the Info Board all updated for February tonight - and it looks super cute. :)

For now, that's the best 25-week update I can write. :) Sorry we didn't get around to doing a 23-week or 24-week post! Stick around for more updates.

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