Monday, June 4, 2012

May Update and June Goals

Well, well, well. Here I am again! Another month gone by, and another list of goals to post about!

Here is how I did:

Get caught up on ironing - Yes! I so did!
Have a garage sale - Yes! Just this past weekend!
Get back into listing on eBay again - Yes!
Practice piano 1/2 hour each day - No. Epic fail.
Keep flower beds looking sharp (we've been doing so good!) - They look MARVELOUS!
Find 4 recipes for dinner and 4 for dessert to incorporate my homegrown herbs & veggies into - I only did 3 - so sad!
Pick one organizational and one cleaning task per day to achieve - I thought about
Finish my one book and start another - Um, this would mean I'd have to start the first....
Keep desk cleaned off in office - Sort of. But not really.
Buy that shower curtain liner for the guest bathroom - Not yet, every time I thought about it, they were too expensive!
Organize shelves in office - Not. At. All.
Find a home for our bobbleheads (i.e., not in stacks, as they are now!) - No... :(
Work on getting to bed by 10:30 Sun.-Weds. - I did try!
Schedule 3 coffee dates or lunch meetings with friends - I did!  Yay!
Learn how to knit! (Barbara, you have GOT to help me with this one!) - Sadly, not yet. I was way too busy.
Post Spring Cleaning/ Amitions & Goals lists (yes, this is coming!) - Yes!
Make the Info board at church beautiful for May - Yes!
Stay caught up in Bible studies (Including Sunday School, I've got 4! 2 Ladies' Bible Studies, a small group study, and Sunday School). - For the most part, I did okay. But Sunday always seemed to creep up too fast, and I'd forget about the Sunday School class material.
Work the floor cleaning into my week more often (like, more than twice a month!) - It definitely gets done at least once a week now!
Make my office (at work; not home) more beautiful - Yes! My boss even complimented me on my "nesting." :)
Organize pantry/ cupboards in the kitchen with my hubby - Um, this would mean he would have had to be home for longer than 8 hours to sleep....
Take a bubblebath when I need to relax (I probably should have done that today!) - Didn't really see a need.

I also did some extra stuff, with the help of my husband, friends and family!

Get rid of TV (it's in the garage, we just have to load it to go to the recycling place).
Get new couch
Rearrange furniture in family room & living room

Here are my June Goals:

Meal-planning every week
Post about meal-planning at least once
Read one book
Organize shelves in office
Organize pantry/ cupboards in the kitchen
Keep bedroom clean
Get dusting back on schedule
Keep up with FlyLady
Sell 10 items on eBay
Read Proverbs & Psalms (1 and 5 per day, respectfully)

I took some pictures of our living room and family room. :) I was super lazy with my pictures and the focus/ lighting is not perfect, but here are some of the pictures from our newly re-organized and re-situated rooms!

From the front door

Looking towards the south from the front entry way

Looking back from the entry way

From the dining room threshold

From the south looking north

Family room: from the dining room threshold

Looking south: No gigantic TV hogging all my space!

Looking back towards the dining room: Newly decorated wall by my hubby!

Love our little shadow boxes :)

Re-arranging of the cabinet in the dining room. 

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