Friday, April 29, 2011

Yes, it's another post on goals.

This week, I decided to start trying to do something to motivate myself to be better about getting stuff done.

I decided to start writing on my little white board in my office. I decided to write out a few - has to be less than 5  - goals for the day.

It's not always easy. But even if it's something that I do every day or week, or on some kind of schedule, it goes on there. This is so that I don't get overwhelmed (hence the "less than 5" rule), and so that I can accomplish what I set out to accomplish - every day.

On Wednesday, I had 6 goals. This was too many. Even though I don't really work outside the home anymore. It's incredible how much I have to do in a day. Granted, I nanny, teach piano lessons and work on the computer. There is something to be said for the domestic engineer: we are ALWAYS busy!

I'm working on refining my list of goals. Even if it's as simple as "make dinner" or "clean laundry room." I know those don't seem like difficult goals to accomplish, but for me, I am kind of starting from scratch. I always have this huge plans of what I want to do, or think I ought to do during the day, and then the end of the day comes, and it's like I'm always surprised things didn't get done how I planned or wished they would have.


I'm working on this. It's helping. I challenge you guys - my friends and family - to try this, too. Especially if you've been feeling like I have been feeling. And pray for me. I'll be praying for you.

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