Thursday, November 4, 2010

On being content...Thankful post #1

So, these last 2 weeks, I have focused my time and energy on my husband, our home, and our lives outside of the home. It has been an adjustment period, as I was working full-time (or more), and am now a homemaker. But I see the benefits of what God is doing in our lives already.

Let me list the blessings I've found from this unexpected situation:

* God's timing: We refinanced Robert's TrailBlazer and qualified for the lowest interest rate available a month ago. Had we waited until now, and I would have no job, we couldn't have done this. It also allowed us to "skip" a payment. So we don't have to pay it until the end of the month.
* God's provision: I've been working hard to get more items up in my shop (, and He has been faithful to provide. The night before I lost my job, I made my first sale on etsy to someone in Florida whom I do not know, nor have any connection to. I've also sold everything on eBay last week that I listed, and have filled 2 custom orders on etsy, as well as sold 2 other orders on etsy, and will make another sale later today.
* God's plan: It has been made apparent to us that I am supposed to stay home right now, and work hard to earn money for the shop and on eBay. This has not failed yet. When we've prayed about this situation, we get nothing but affirmation to continue doing what we are doing from the Lord.
* God's perfect knowledge: I have decreased my stress level by a significant amount, since I've been home. I no longer feel incompetent, incapable and upset every day because of the stressful work environment I was in previously. I am HAPPY, and nothing can take the place of that.
* God's support: No matter what, we've been assured that we're well-taken care of right now. It's been eye-opening. I've been able to have friends over to visit, bless others by using my time and care, and take care of a lot around the house that otherwise wouldn't get attention.

Truthfully, Robert and I are just walking faithfully, and are content with where we are. Despite many negative attitudes we've encountered recently regarding our home/ work situation, we're determined to make this work while the Lord is leading us in a new direction.

I feel confident that we are supposed to be where we're at, and although I am seeking better employment than I had before, I'm also fine with being home right now.

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