Friday, July 29, 2011

"The greatest use of a life.."

Yesterday, I opened all the windows and doors in the house to let some fresh air in while I was cleaning and organizing.

As I walked by the corner on the way to the hall where my grandma's Bible sits on a built-in shelf, a breeze came through and blew the pages of her Bible open. I went to close it and make sure nothing was damaged when I saw this tiny inscription on the bottom of one of the first pages of it.

It reads: "The greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yesterdays goals and what I'm doing today

So, yesterday's goals update is as follows:

Sweep & Swiffer all vinyl floors
Clean both bathrooms
Make dinner before Robert comes home from work
Pay bills
Bible Study

Pretty much, I just didn't end up having time to finish a meal before we had to leave for our meeting, and my leisure reading got shoved to the backburner, as it doesn't affect jurisdictions/ daily living. I also added (and completed!) the following tasks to yesterday's list: 

Trip to Target for freebies/ queen size air mattress (which I have to go to Lake Stevens to get today, Marysville was out) 
Iron sheets
Put away laundry

Today, I need to accomplish the  following: 

Trip to Target for air mattress
Clean kitchen
Dust entertainment area (Bryan is coming over today to hopefully fix the surround sound)
Put away Robert's clothes
Bible Study

Here we go!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Goals for today

My goals for today are as follows:

Sweep & Swiffer all vinyl floors
Clean both bathrooms
Make dinner before Robert comes home from work
Pay bills
Bible Study

I MUST accomplish these things today, otherwise I'll be behind all week!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July Goals & June update

So, below are my June goals, and the statistics regarding them: 

Keep exact track of grocery expenditures - Fail. It was too hard to get back into the swing of things after our vacation in Oahu. 
Bathrooms cleaned every week - I'd say this is a half-fail, because I've been keeping them clean, I just don't think it was always on a 7-day rotation. 
Clean out fridge every 2 weeks - Success! After Robert cleaned it out once, I've been keeping up on it every two weeks way better than before. 
Make bed every day - Fail. Most of that is due to our hours spent away from home, but this month (July) has already failed at least once or twice at it, simply due to forgetfulness. 
Make 2 3-course meals at home every week - Half-fail. We haven't been home enough to do it, but we've been cooking when we are home! 
1 Cheap date night per month - Success! We eat out a lot, but only with coupons and/ or gift cards!
List 30 items on eBay - Epic fail. I should have known that this goal would be setting myself up for failure. 
Read a book every week - Success! I have been reading a lot more frequently, and I've even seen my moods end up calmer and more steady. (That is partially due to what I've been reading, though). 

July Goals: 

Make bed daily
Keep office picked up and dusted
Sell 3 loaves of bread on etsy
Write down my goals and keep track of them
Keep track of grocery expenditures
Find a way to bless someone at least once per week
Keep reading every day
Go camping 
Pick one household project to do every day
Stay on task with FlyLady
Keep up on cleaning days
Keep dishes clean and out of the sink
Have a coffee date with a girlfriend at least twice
Find more quiet time to myself
Read a book of the Bible every week
Post a focus Scripture daily somewhere in the house

Basically, since it's already 7/7, these goals will start today, and end on 8/7, but the August goals will only go from 8/7 to the end of the month. 

Here I go!